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If you could step into the BB House TODAY which of these one things would you do


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You can ONLY choose ONE.

A. Slap someone. And if so who would you slap.

B. Whisper something to just ONE person. If you did this who would you whisper to and what ONE statement would you say to them. (you can only tell them one single thing)

D. Mess with something in the house when the houseguest are on a backyard lockdown.

E. Your choice of something else you would do if you could do one thing when you stepped inside the BB house. (you ONLY have a few minutes though)

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I would slap someone. A few someones (Jeff, Jordan, and Laura). At a time when they needed to negotiate with Ronnie... to encourage him that they would back him up if he backdoored Russell when he was saying he wanted to do it, they screwed it up by calling him out. Wait until AFTER nominations to do that. Do not do it when he still has the power to nominate your stupid ass.

He had Lydia, Kevin, Chima all ready to join with them to backdoor Russell and they SCREWED IT UP! The moment it became obvious that Ronnie wanted to do it, they needed to camp out in his room and reassure, reassure, reassure him because he is NOT a leader. He is a follower who is ready to take anybody elses lead that takes up the reins.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

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I would slap someone. A few someones (Jeff, Jordan, and Laura). At a time when they needed to negotiate with Ronnie... to encourage him that they would back him up if he backdoored Russell when he was saying he wanted to do it, they screwed it up by calling him out. Wait until AFTER nominations to do that. Do not do it when he still has the power to nominate your stupid ass.

He had Lydia, Kevin, Chima all ready to join with them to backdoor Russell and they SCREWED IT UP! The moment it became obvious that Ronnie wanted to do it, they needed to camp out in his room and reassure, reassure, reassure him because he is NOT a leader. He is a follower who is ready to take anybody elses lead that takes up the reins.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

Ok I think Misha I will have to give you an exception caluse on the ONE slap rule. I think I will give you 4 slaps. The 3 you requested and one extra at Ronnie on your way out. And might even go so far as letting you make a statement to him too.

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Slap that skank She-Mah so f-ing hard that her teeth fly out and her lips ......wait, I don't think I could make her lips any worse. Yep, slap She-Mah, that's what I'd do.

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She-ma was complaining that she had to ask the diary room for something twice. She said she hates having to ask more then once.

I call her Queen She-ma

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I pick E I would run as fast as I could and punch Ronnie, Chima and Natalie in the face as many times as I could in the short time I had and tell them how America can't stand them and they are all ahole's.

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Whisper to Lydia:

(Jessie said that he can not stand you andHim and Nat have made fun of you the entire time and that His plan is to use you for as long as he can then send you packing, because Him and Nat have a thing for each other!!!)

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