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Can outgoing HoH's CLIQUE play for new HoH?


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in the past

the outgoing HoH can't compete meaning they can be put up for eviction by the new HoH

so with the clique teams this year

does this mean the whole athlete team - Jessie, Russell, Natalie, and Jeff can't compete during the HOH comp ?

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You would think so, but no. The HOH clique can play for HOH. So this week, Jessie will sit out, but his other 3 team mates can still play and win HOH.

I don't think that's fair. Although the other team members aren't the HOH, they're safe because of HOH. I really hope they don't get a chance to play.

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Maybe the whole clique will have to sit out the HOH competition? That seems the fairest, because if only Jessie sits out and someone else in his clique wins, then he cannot be nominated.

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I was just about to open a thread and ask this.. I cant stand to see Natalie win HOH next week, I simply cant. That girl is WORKING my nerves.. so I hope that entire clique can't compete for the next one, I want her and Jessie up and I wouldn't mind keeping Jessie, he isnt so bad this season, he'll NEVER win but he isnt as annoying as Natalie..god she needs to GO!!

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I can't imagine how much it would go to her head if N won hoh next week. Though I'm hoping it doesn't happen, I think it would make for an interesting week. Then in the third week when she is put up (my guess after being hoh), fireworks would go off in the house.

I rather see Lydia get hoh. I don't want attn drawn to Jordan.

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It is not competitively fair in my opinion that the "Jocks" would be allowed to compete in HOH as they were safe last week and should be vunerable this, just as Jesse is. Totally unfair that they would be given another chance at safety. Has anyone heard Julie/or production say that the rest of the clique can compete?? What's good for the Goose is good for the gander, as they say. So ...... I hope it is another twist to be announced!!!

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Maybe the whole clique will have to sit out the HOH competition? That seems the fairest, because if only Jessie sits out and someone else in his clique wins, then he cannot be nominated.
Yeah, I wondered that, too, till I saw a poster said only the HOH sits out.
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BB isn't fair. I didn't think it was fair Jesse was HOH when he did nothing. Don't think its fair that he is getting a second chance. Don't think its fair that we have to look at him and hear him again. So I'm pretty sure the jocks will get a chance at HOH. I can only hope BB continues to not be fair and stack the deck for one of the other teams to win.

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It's not even the fairness that is getting me its the way BB has made up the twist. They were told they were playing for HOH as a group, that Jesse joining this group would be THE HOH (leader) and they would be immune for nominations like any HOH is. In my opinion the twist should continue and the "jocks" as a group, should not be allowed to compete in the next HOH. That to me is in keeping with the way HOH is always played....

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It is pretty unfair this season. One group gets an extra member and a free shot at reducing another group by 1. How can anybody even the odds? Jessie sits out but the rest of the people that had a safe week still get to compete? That's bullshit. And it already spoiled the season because Braden is probably getting kicked out. One less oddball character worth tuning in for and nothing but boring & shallow people. Hopefully BB will once again try to manipulate the houseguests in the DR and Chima can get the hell out of that house.

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I'm not sure if this has been covered yet, but what happens in the next HOH competition, are the rest of the athletes allowed to participate minus Jesse? Or, is the whole team not allowed to participate?

Someone said the rest of them will be allowed to participate. Unfair, but yeah..

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(Cinnamon_stick, I've merged your thread with the previous one.)

Although we aren't absolutely positive because it hasn't been officially confirmed on the show or on the live feeds yet, the consensus is that when it comes to HoH, they will play as individuals, not Cliques, so everyone except the outgoing HoH can play.

This makes sense from the standpoint that the current HoH is not a clique but an individual, and he was told that he was not permitted to nominate anyone from his clique, thereby assuring their safety for the week.

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I think BB will basically do as BB does and control who wins HoH by the type of game played. If they want the Athletes to win again, they'll make it physical. If they want the brains to win, it'll be mental ... however, that didn't work for them in the Haves-Haves Not comp. :rolleyes: You would have thought the brains would have been able to figure that out quicker than the others.

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After HOH comp, would love another twist and see Jesse moved to the popular clique or brains clique to even things out.....wouldn't that deflate a little of his muscle...

I frigging love that idea SueZ!

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After HOH comp, would love another twist and see Jesse moved to the popular clique or brains clique to even things out.....wouldn't that deflate a little of his muscle...

Or they announce that they are bringing in ringers for each other clique and Janelle walks in for the Populars, Dr. Will takes a spot with the brains, and Evel Dick joins the Off-Beats.

Then we watch everyone's heads 'asplode from the sheer awesomeness of the twist. :rolleyes4:

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