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Tuesday 7/14 Show Discussion

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well it will be what the tuesday show usually is about

exit thread -_-

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Uvp, she beat us to it! I'll have to start Thursday's Live show thread sometime Wednesday night! jk! ;)

I'm excited about finally seeing this POV. All this talk about 'technotronics' and whatnot, I'm anxious to see how this game was.

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no race for me

only reason i started the last thread was it was an hour before the show was gonna start and no one had done it

i am more on jokers then here anyway

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Here is what I know about the POV.

It was a spelling type challenge.

  • Sounds like Russ "won" with the word Shotgun.
  • Russ strategically grabbed a bunch of letter he did not need to prevent others from having access and then spelling words.
  • Sounded like the more complex the word the better the chance to win.
  • Russ got something up quickly and then waited and watched the others - then I guess determined that he needed to win because both Lydia and Chima were close to completing bigger words.
  • There is some prolonged and somewhat heated side discussions around Jeff trying to use a word "technotronics" - I think I he might have tried to use it and it is not a words or people think he might have been trying to throw the challenge.
  • Ronnie (who I don't think was playing) was throwing out all kinds of words he said he would have used...
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That's pretty much it, alright.

The only other thing I heard about it was last night, when Jeff was explaining how, with the letters he got, he spelled "techno", then figured it wasn't long enough so he kept going, and the only thing coming out was "Technotronic".

I think I also heard Chima and possibly Laura talking to Russell, saying he had a good strategy going by gathering as many letters as possible, since that meant other people didn't have them to use.

So it must have been something like the longest correctly-spelled word, with limited letters and a limited time, I'm thinking.

In honour of Jeff's blunder, please enjoy the following 20-year-old video megamix by the group "Technotronic".

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From what I have heard on BBAD or read on live feeds updates, POV comp involved HGs have a free for all at grabbing the most letters to spell with. Russell got more letters than anyone else, preventing others from having much to spell with. Yet Russell won with shotgun, despite all his letters. But he did win.

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hmm this'll be exciting to watch. highlight of my day! haha :D

And sorry lala and uvp, i was bored too and didn't see one already and wondered why. i've already read all the live feed updates for today and checked out all the latest pictures. trying my best to survive without the live feeds!

btw i keep thinking about how much of a jerk russell is. i can't wait for him to be gone. i wish we could fast forward a few weeks.

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I just don't understand why Russell pulled Lydia off the block. If Chima was the pawn, why didn't he remove her? And for all this dislike for Lydia, how/why did he do it? It just makes no sense. Especially since Russell and Natalies #1 person to get out of the house is Lydia. Just doesn't make sense.

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What a bunch of meatheads. What was supposed to be "Technotronics" could've been "Tectonics," and thus, the winner. Instead, "shotgun" wins. Poorly played by Lydia... Why not gather all the letters first... THEN MAKE A WORD? If you pigeon-hole yourself to a specific word, you're stuck looking for a letter that may not even be available--or worse, taken by another player.

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Yeah, Ronnie didn't fool anyone. But lucky him that Team Athletic still picked Braden over him.

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