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Monday, July 13th


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I fast forwarded through most of it except when Braden was saying some funny stuff fairly early on..

We did too! Only thing to look forward to is the power shifting with HOH this week. (at least I hope it does) :blink: If I have to keep watching Russell stare at himself in the mirror or hear any more work out, "pumped up" talk, I'm not watching this year. Boring as hell.

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I was looking for the fast forward on the flash back feeds an couldnt find it ....where is it?

I even had my glasses on..lol

I used Flash Back yesterday - don't recall seeing a FF button on it. You can either click on another place in the video or click to move that little oval thing to the left or right to RW or go FF. Hope that helps. LOL on having your glasses on!

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Thanks King and Iris I knew if I asked someone would have the answer...lol...I didn't have that at all in the small screen....too watch something at 12:30 i was watching it from 12 ...an having to watch the boring stuff...lol...hopefully this bunch get this party started soon...it seems real boring so far, for me not to stay up all night watching the feeds..

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wow what a week 1

fights all over the place

jordan and lydia going at it now

they should call this real world bb edition

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I can already see this season going down in history as the worst BB season by far.

I like three people in the house, Jeff, Braden and Jordan. Michelle is OK.

Braden is gone this week and apparently the majority in the house wants Jeff or Jordan up next week. Why do I ALWAYS pick the ones who leave early? It's uncanny! I think what I need to do is somehow force myself to like the douche bags because they always seem to go far.

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Why were they all so damn mellow on BBAD last night????? Is Braden smuggling in some of that Mowie Wowie or what????

:lol: I got up at 5 this morning (ET) and started watching them and I wondered the same thing then. They all acted so stoned then. It was funny.

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I was thinking the same thing TML. I was so impressed with the way Dan played last year. Totally adapting to each situation and making it to the end without anyone disliking him. Not sure that is gonna happen with this crew.

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I was thinking the same thing TML. I was so impressed with the way Dan played last year. Totally adapting to each situation and making it to the end without anyone disliking him. Not sure that is gonna happen with this crew.

Dan was easy to like and very smart. The only one who hated him was Jerry and Dan made sure he kept him close (final 3). Good strategy - keep you friends close and your enemies closer....

As for Dick - he was amazing as well.

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