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Sunday 7/12 Live Show

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We should be seeing the initial reaction to Jessie being in the house and the first nomination ceremony.

That clique is a huge target right now.

last thing you want is to win an endurance comp early in the game. In seasons past people look at that and target those winners first.

Not to mention they have the most members.


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After finishin up watchin last nites after dark, I am just like sittin here with my jaw on the floor, Jessie is a TOOL. I could not believe how he talked down to Jordan, and I laughed when she told him he was actin liuke her Dad, no shit!!!! Jessie turns me off even more than last time he was on, and surely we will get to see the reaction that happens when they see who is comin back in the house. Believe me Jessie was not a good player when he was in the house before, and Natalie is his mouth piece and he is like a natalie puppet at this point, I think it is soooo stupid for those to to have hooked up so tight right off and then lettin ppl know they are attached at the hip. I predict Jessie will not be long for the BB house, although Russell is someone to watch out for. I hope Jeff gets his locks in there too.

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I am not sure what that Have Not thing is, but have heard them talk about it, must have something to do with the food and the slop issue

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From what I understand of it, they have to sleep in that dungeon like room with lamps and on the floor. And they have to eat slop and take cold showers too. I think that's it. Does anyone know anything else? I guess the point, is to really make some of them suffer and whine for a week.

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My first post of the year. I Freaking HATE 60 Minutes ALWAYS DOING IT!

Welcome to the first Sunday night of BB, oh wait, as always, 60 minutes delaying our shows. Thanks for ruining many nights of BB and Amazing Race, 60 minutes.

Thanks a lot.

Vent over. Freaking 60 Minutes...we all know its almost over when Old man time comes on the tv though.

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casey based on his performance in that food comp

would have been my first nom if i were hoh

he did pretty good in the first endurance comp as well

very smart guy

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