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Jessie - BB 11


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I detest Jessie more than anyone EVER on ANY BB. That is probably why they brought him back just to make me miserable again. I am sure that Rennie (y? how quickly we forget) is real happy about it, too.

I don't get it...every season some girl falls in love with him. Did Big Brother pick those girls off Siberian mail-order bride lists?

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I've been out all day...

But just watched Jesse and Russell in the HOH room on the feeds for about a 1/2 hour....

I'm ready to bang my head against the wall :rolleyes4:

Russell is soooo much like Jesse aaarrrggghhhhhhh

I think I'll call them the 2 Horseman (same mentality)

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Hmmmm. Looks just like him. Did you do something to it East? :dontgetit:

I made this last BB...used a Photoshop freeware program called PhotoFiltre and shrunk his head down. Now that I see him this time with his "enhanced guns" I think he looks MORE like the avatar...

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I can't wait to find out why Jessie nom'd Chima and Lydia (2 girls) instead of nom'ing 2 guy (especially Braden.) They'd be competition to him.

Me thinks Jessie prefers the company of guys over girls...hmmm. He does seem to like butchy girls though...memories of MANchelle last season and now hanging with Mancelle's mini-me this season - Natalie.

Pfffhahahaha! MANchelle's mini-me is dead on!

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I kept wondering what the frak CBS was smoking to let this bag of hammers back on the show. :bangin:

I thought maybe the fans actually did like him or something and it was just me who thought he was a conceited tool.

Now after reading the comments here, I guess his douchieness is world-wide and so now I really want to know what the hell CBS was thinking when they did this to us. :cookoo:

On the bright side, at least this way I won't be too upset when I miss a few episodes here and there.

I'll have to check YouTube for updates and start watching regularily after they drop this putz.

(was really hoping for Jessica to light up the show this season again) :wub:

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ITA...Also it is unfair to have Jesse on as he knows all the ins and outs. He should be in All Star only...or All Wannabe's...some were saying last night he's rich, drives a Lamborghini...WTF with that????

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I wanted Jessica too! I'm just glad we don't have to deal with the goofiness of Cowboy!

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Cannot stand him. I dont know if there are enough mirrors in the house for Jesse and Russell. Those 2 cannot pass a mirror, window, chrome, etc without taking a looksy---sickening.

I know, right?

And I really hate his stupid flexing with every move he makes.

Seriously, Jessie's the type who looks at himself in the mirror while taking a leak and flexes.

And then stares at his own reflection while pleasuring himself. :inlove:

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I've been out all day...

But just watched Jesse and Russell in the HOH room on the feeds for about a 1/2 hour....

I'm ready to bang my head against the wall :rolleyes4:

Russell is soooo much like Jesse aaarrrggghhhhhhh

I think I'll call them the 2 Horseman (same mentality)

I called this one earlier, that really sucks there's 2 of them! UGH! :omg:

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