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* Braden * - BB 11


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very good in the comps probably safe for week.

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They're not showing him much on the feeds...maybe I'm just on the wrong channel. I haven't formed an opinon yet since I haven't seen anything from him except the intro. The intro when he won the key was annoying and I thought for sure I wouldn't like him. At this point, i think there are stronger personalities in the house so he doesn't have to worry. If he can manage to not try to be the attention whore, he might be ok.

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I had to roll my eyes at him a few times last night when he used his made up words.

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I was really hoping Braden would be up for eviction...he seems like a real dimwit.

surf's up dude...ack!

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i am hearing backdoor

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i am hearing backdoor

Yep, Lydia convinced Jesse and Nat that Braeden was partially to blame for the dissension between them because he said he wanted to stir up the house. Lydia sold him out so she could have safety.

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I can't figure out for the life of me, why they want to back door him. He seems pretty harmless to me.

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