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7/22 - Live Feed Updates


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11:30AM BBT: Feeds 1 & 2 on Ronnie in the HoH bed sleeping. Feeds 3 & 4 are on Casey smoking and Jeff on the elliptical in the back yard. Kevin is up, again, and is headed for the shower. As Michele heads back inside, Jeff says, “Turn that frown upside down. It’s not so bad.” She just smiles and goes inside. Casey comes out and they both agree that Michele is bi-polar.

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12:15PM BBT: Laura and Jordan are awake and in the bath room. Casey and Kevin are on the couch in the back yard chatting. Jordan joins them. Casey wants to know what’s up with the nine o’clock wake-up calls when everyone just gets up at noon. He says he’s the only one who gets up and dances to the music. Jordan says, “I know you were excited when they played Snoop-Dog.” Casey concedes with a “Fuck yeah!” BB: “Casey, please exchange your microphone with one from the storage room.” Casey: “That’s the first time that’s happened to me.”

12:25PM BBT: Jeff is eating an apple and comments that it’s delicious. Jordan says he only said it was ‘delicious’ because she hates that word. Jeff complains that Jordan never complements him and only throws “stones” (he’s just giving her a hard time). He picks up a bug off the ground and acts like he’s going to put it on her. She gets off the couch and runs away. Jeff, Kevin, and Jordan head back inside. As they do, Kevin says, “Deeeliiiiciouuuus.”

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2:00am BBT - Nat and Russ talking and Rus telling her that she needs to keep info between our team only and when your getting upset you need to keep a mental note to watch what you say, i mean like the other day if I had lost my cool there may have been repercussions ya know... Nat says cool Russ thanks, Russ tells Nat he will work on Michelle and Chima for the next two days. Jessie and Casey and Kevin were on couches talking and they are saying they better head in we only got a half a minute, Nta says well its not gonna be pitch black. Russ runs into Chima in bathroom and gives her a hug and says she looks pretty and she says man I don't look pretty right now, Russ says I think so.. Russ taking out his contacts as Casey goes into rest room.

2:01am Nat, Kev and Chima at picture wall talking about pictures and how the cbs web site has the pics and video of them and how some of the pics are photo shopped or air brushed... Kevin said they smoothed out chimas face, Nat asked if they told him to do that pose or did he just do it, Kev says I didn't have my glasses till the end and they said why don't you put your glasses on and be "Heeeey"... he said he was giving them all kinds of poses and the girls laugh, he said I told them I watch ANTM (americas next top model)... They say that Michelle picture doesn't look like her, Kev says she looks like a mommy in her pic.. Kev says Braden still looks like a douch in his... Nat says Jessie looks like he has a huge head, Jeff looks like a model/soap actor.... Jessie comes in and they ask when he took his picture, he said wednesday before we came in here.

2:10am -- Now they are talking about which order they want people out, not saying names just pointing at pictures and counting 1, 2, 3, 4... (bb not showing who they picked) Jessie in bathroom brushing teeth while Nat, Kev and Chima and Rus (scratching back on wall) tyring to be quiet and go into the red room for bed... rus changes mind and goes and lays on couch in BR watching Jessie clean up (russ looks cute with glasses) Jessie asks how his talk with Nat went and He tells him she was feeling like me, but we got it settled that no matter what is going on we just need to keep communication open, not talking is fucking us...Russ said he let her know he was with them till the end and we need to quit second guessing each other... Russ says we just need to regroup every couple of days. Jess says we all need to know we can confide with someone its important.. they shake hands and head off to bed, Russ tells Jessie he will be talking to chima and michelle, Jessie goes outside to see who is out there and finds Lydia outside on bed and says don't start screaming stranger danger (chima and Nat whispering in red room but cant hear them) he asks Lydia why she went to bed without saying good night, Lyd says because you were making food, he says thats a piss poor excuse, he says see ya, lyd says im sorry, he says I dont believe it, lyd says you hit me hard in my face, and lyd says i am sorry, jes says that's a big deal not saying good night, she says i apologize profusely i am sorry. Jess says whats up, lyd starts talking about how Jessie talked in sleep and how he was telling a story and how cool and cute it was, his eyes were closed and his hands were moving around and when she tried to leave and he said no don't leave... they are rehasing what each other was doing..... here come Chima, Kev and Nat outside with them now... Nat brings her icy/hot so Jessie can rub her shoulder (hmmm a little love triangle?) Kev makes a joke about putting the athletes on the have not next week, Jes says just because nat has a slop pass... he keeps saying team team, lyd says just cuz we are on a team doesn't mean you cant do it for a week, Nat says if that happens I wont shower for a whole week... Nat says I think we will have to compete this week for it anyhow, Nat says if I win I will chose Jordan on it.. Lydia goes inside to get a drink and comes out and was pissed and said awsome when she sees nat laying down on jes's lap while he rubs her shoulder and says "great I was sitting there" Nat says he told me to do this. Now they are laughing about how Jordan couldn't remember who she voted for Chima or Braden and then the line she like about are you from Tennessee cuz your a ten i see... Chima says Russell doesn't like me he is bored...Jes says i beg to differ... Chima says I'll have to see it to see what I can work with before, Jess says Rus said I can't just show her, I have to play hard to get..... Chima says you think it may have just been the wine talking.. Lyd tells her to just pull a dior and then then have to explain how they have nick names of designers. Jessie relives the whole Chima speech and how he was shocked. Lyd says braden must have been uncomfortable sitting down there and how dumb bradens shirt was something about xrays. lots of chit chat about how hot the room is... at 3am they are still chit chatting, Nat is yawning a lot...everyone else in bed sleeping... 3:19am Jessie talking about his wrestling stuff... ... 3:20am Chima, Kev and Lyd go inside leaving Nat and Jes are chatting about Ronnie and what they need to do and how Jes says I never not trusted him (rus) and how they (him and nat) are in a heap of shit because of them backing him up and tells her about his convo with rus and how everyone wanted you out and now him and nat have a target on their back and how Jes will work on Lyd and he needs to work on Chima and Michelle, Nat says she doesn't trust Lydia because she is jealous of our friendship (yeah, ok) and I can tell by the way she looks at us... Jessie says yeah for example when she came out and flips out and sits over there.... Casey gets up to use BR... him and lyd says nothing to each other, of course she is rinsing her mouth out... Jes is in stealth wisper mode, Casey looks outside and Jes says whats up man and Casey closes door and doesn't got out... Jess talking about how he is sick of hearing how athletes still have four.... Casey comes outside says he cannot sleep, he just laid there for 90 minutes, Nat says good night, Jes says where am i Leeping in Kevs bed, nat says yes.... Jes starts talking about how he is sick of the paranoia and Casey says he agrees... Casey asks if they should draw straws or just put people up, Jes says draws straws... Casey says he says if ronnie is playing then i'm playing till someone has it and he doesn't, jes says that is one way they could make it so people will think twice about throwing things... casey says his word means something and some people don't.... Jes starts talking about his last experience in the house.... Casey says ronnie did damage but i think they should count on it... he says they (bb) have plans and we should be ready to play.... Casey said i hope it's a fair game, or they could put 6 balls for Ronnie, Jes laughs and says i don't think so (btw, lydia still up painting her toe nails) Jessie says we just will never know if Ronnie is a plant or player till we get out of the house.... Jess says he made his bed..so... Casey says well you know, well hats off, but i dont agree with his methods... the shit he did to michelle, telling her she was dumb and threating her.. just putting mental anguish, way past... telling kevin jeff calls you a faggot, fine play the game but he went over board... makes basketball comparison, saying you got the basket, fine you got me, but punching someone in the mouth is not the same things, weather rus sees it or not... but letting Chima come at michelle calling her bitch and stuff, that is not right, and I hope he pays for it, i've got a vendetta, if he stays around, well there are some people who could be persuaded, not me, but everyone looking for a friend in this house.... Jessie says his worse nightmare is him being the pawn and Ronnie wins then.... he says we have to draw straws... that's the only way... Casey thinks that lyd, kev and chima would probably be jordan and jeff... casey says all i can do is between me and you i wont be putting you up and jes says me too, casey says right and you cant speak for your team mates.... casey says if i go up i go up, i better win and save my ass... jess says you have to win to stay in this game.

(have to go, hope that caught you all up)

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12:50 BBT

Russ joins Ronnie in the HOH room and is talking fast. He tells Ronnie how Russ has to be mean to Ronnie to keep it up. Tells him Ron has his word and Russ never lied to him. Russ tells him that they've all banded together and want Ronnie out. Russ tells him that the only way Ronnie will be safe is if Russ wins HOH and Ronnie says he hopes Russ wins. Russ says none of them can defend Ronnie and Ron says he understands. They both keep looking up at the spy screen and Russ keeps talking fast. Says how everyone down stairs has lied to Ronnie and is saying stuff about him. Ron asks if Jessie is, too, and Russ stumbles and says yeah, he has to. Ron repeats that with the whole Laura thing, how he's never lied to Nat, Russ, Jess or Chima. Russ says Ron has his word that he'll keep him b/c he knows Ronnie has his back. Ron says if Russ wins HOH, he'll just throw the key at Russ or something to make it look like Ron is made that Russ won. They shake hands and Russ keeps asking Ronnie if he needs anything and Ronnie says no. Ron asks Russ if he's still going to put Michele and Casey up and Russ says he wants Casey out.

Russ quickly leaves and Ron gets back in bed and shrugs to the camera and says 'Deal with the devil' and picks up his Bible and starts reading it.

Russ runs downstairs and does something in the kitchen. He's still breathing heavy from all that just happened.

**See the pictures of this by clicking here!!!

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4:45 BBT Ronnie sitting outside his door, someone is on couch (Lydia?) offering him food, he said no thanks, sounds like everyone else is downstairs in kitchen

It's Nat & Michelle on couch outside HOH room, Ronnie still sitting on the floor. BB just told Ronnie his room was ready, he went back in

4:56 BBT, Ronnie reading Bible in HOH, Jesse, Lydia & Laura in bathroom, no one talking, Laura doing her hair.

4:58: Jeff & jordan talking about waiting tables in bed, Chima, Kevin, Russ and Casey in kitchen. General cooking chitchat.

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5:14 BBT: Jeff & Casey still in re-cycle room talking about what she wants to eat when she comes off slop and what her speech tomorrow might be. She's worried about stumbling her words, Jeff advises her not to rehearse too much.

(got to take a break and make dinner, anyone out there to take over?)

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5:20 bbt Natalie, MIchelle, Chima, playing chess

Lydia and Russ in LR, Lydia is telling russ that she stayed outside and watched the sunrise, lydia is bashing nat. russ says that they're close,

that nat is always around, lydias rehashing l;ydia having long face yesterday and nat asking her what was wrong... lydia says that she's annoyed with nat being arund jess. Lydia says that shes grumpy when she wakes up. Lydia says that michelle said that she was snoring last nite but lydia says she was outside.

Lyd and Russ talking about lotion, and he says he doesnt like lotion coze he feels like a wet sperm

Lydia is playing guitar with Russes legs, he's laying on th couch and she's sitting he's got his legs on top of her....

Lydia says that she would never again date anyone from a band...(.etc no game talk)

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5:55 BBT Houseguests are in BY, indoor lockdown, yard is set up for HOH comp!!! There is a kind of a teeter totter balancing thing, no one is talking to Ronnie.


5:57 BBT: BY: everyone taking turns with the teeter totter, looks like you have to balance a ball from a hole in one side to one in the other

Sorry, that was wrong, looks like they have to get the ball in a basket of some sort

Casey is killing at the practice! Everyone taking turns but no one asks Ronnie to try (LOL)

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6:04 PM BBT

The HG's are practicing a game. There is a device like e teeter-totter but smaller and with handles on one end. They have to get a ball from a stationary position at one end, to roll all the way down to the other end and then to 'pop' the ball into a bucket.

Ronnie said he didn't want to try.

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6:10 BBT, Jordan's turn, she misses four in a row

6:12pm BBT: Chima's turn, 4 misses

6:14 BBT: Laura's up, all misses (I think) but she says at least it's something to do (no kidding! LOL!)

Jeff has a turn, he gets a couple in and then tries to launch one as far as he can for fun

Jesse not having much luck (good!)

They can move the teeter totter, now they are trying different angles. No game talk.

(Got to check dinner, can someone take over?)

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6:15 BBT

Ronnie goes back inside and is now in his HOH room, eating snacks, watching the spy screen and reading the Bible.

Casey and Jeff head inside for a drink and discuss the HOH game.

All other HGs outside practicing.

** You can see the game and the HGs practicing by clicking here!!!

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6:20 PM BBT

Ronnie back in HOH reading the bible eating a kit kat?

Jeff and Casey in the Kitchen. Casey saying if they wait till tomorrow to say to cancel the plan it will be too late. Laura comes in the kitchen and they stop talking. Casey, Jeff and Jessie in the BR. Jeff says she's got to stick to her guns. (Missed who they were talking about).

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Jessie and Laura in the Kitchen now. Jessie looking in the fridge rubbing his hands together. Must have dry hands, it's pretty loud.

Lydia comes in and Jessie says - What's wrong? Lydia replies, Nothings wrong and if something was I'd have no problem telling you. Things have been a little tense between these two today.

6:35 PM BBT

Outside Chima still practicing the game.

Jessie and Russ in SR discussing Ronnie saying hif we save him he'll be totally supportive of us for saving him. Russ says he thinks the Ronnie plan is pretty fricking smart. Natalie joined them. They are telling her to tape her hands for the game. Jessie and Nat come strolling out of the SR together and walk smack right into Lydia. She asks Jessie what he wants her to do with them. He says put your right hand on here and repeat after me. "I Lydia Rose swear not to be in a bad mood for the rest of the day." She laughs.

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6:30 BBT

Russ and Jess whispering in the SR. Russ talks about keeping Ronnie is a good idea and they'll have more numbers. Nat comes in and asks if they think that game in the BY will be the HOH tomorrow. Jess says no but gives Nat some pointers on the game. Russ says he'll be jawing-? Casey hard tomorrow b/c Casey is the best right now.

Nat and Jess leave the SR and Lydia greets them in the LR. Jess makes her swear, with one hand up and the other on this package of chicken breasts, that Lydia will not be pissy tonight.

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6:37 PM BBT

Casey and Jordan now in kitchen. Casey says Ronnie's the king pin and he's just a pawn.

Laura and Jordan are also in the room and Casey comes in and says that Michelle wants people out and that's just what he heard. Jessie says if he hadn't said that he would never have heard that. Casey and Jessie go outside. Tells Jeff he was 'Ronnie-d'. Both sitting staring at the ground.

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7:20 PM BBT

Laura and Jordan are packing in preparation for tomorrow. Nothing else exciting happening. Until....

Jordan talking to Jessie. Says she wants to clear up stuff, yes she said she didn't like him before because of stuff Ronnie told her. Yes, back then he would have been put up. But now no way, everyone was being made into an enemy of everyone else. She says I"m sorry for the past two weeks I was walking around saying you were an A$$hole and you thought you were so big because you were here before. It was all Ronnie. I'd never talk to him outside of the house.

She's fessing up on all the stuff she said in an effort to get his vote.

Jessie is explaining his side.

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7:50 BBT

Russ sneaks up to HOH again to talk to Ronnie. Russ wants to know why Ron was setting him up for next week and Ronnie said he wasn't, it was Laura, and he says he swears and will put his hand on the Bible. Ron says Laura told him that Russ told her that he'd get the votes to save her. Russ says that never happened. Russ says that everyone was coming to him, saying he was going to go up and Ron blames Laura and Casey. Ron says he should have defended himself when Russ called him out in the BY the other night.

Russ says he's going to try hard to win HOH and Ron says it looks hard. Russ says him and Jess are going to try hard and Russ will save Ronnie. Russ says that's why he's being mean to Ronnie and how secret alliances make it to the end. Ron says it's him, Russ and Jessie to the end. Russ tells Ronnie to try to go out and talk to people and no one will talk to him and how Russ is sticking his neck out for Ronnie.

They watch the spy screen, looking for Russ' chance to run downstairs. They both agree that Casey is the ringleader for the other side. Russ says that bowl and cup he brought up for Ronnie, the HGs will know Russ did it, and he tells Ron he better wash those dishes and bring them down in the middle of the night.

8:00 BBT

Since they keep seeing HGs on the HOH screen, Ronnie says he'll open the door, cause a distraction and Russ can crawl out. Ronnie goes out the door and down the stairs, as Russ literally crawls on the ground, over to the couch next to the chess board. He acts like he's sleeping.

The HGs are wondering where Russ is. Laura asks if he's in the bathroom and Casey goes to the DR and looks for Russ there, which he's not. Ronnie is back in his room, eating.

8:05 BBT

Casey goes outside where a lot of HGs are, practicing. Casey says Michele and Chima should be allowed to play for HOH and not throw the comp. Nat agrees and says they can get Ronnie out the next week if they can't get him next week.

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8:15 BBT

Michele is eating in the bathroom while talking to Chima. They're worried about the HOH and know they still have POV. Michele doesn't like that others think she's extendable.

Jordan is practicing outside. Michele comes out and talks with Nat and Laura. Casey goes into the pool room. Russ is still sleeping upstairs on the couch. Nat and Lydia are on the BY couches talking game. Nat asks her what she thinks about this whole Ronnie thing, and Lydia thinks it's sh*tty and Nat agrees and says Ronnie had their back and the longer Ron is here, the safer they are, b/c he has a bigger target on his back.

Kevin comes over and they tell him what they were talking about. Lydia says Russell keeps them safe too and Natalie says Russell doesn't matter because he's a jerk-?. Lydia wants it them 5 to go the farthest they can (her, Kevin, Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie-?). They know Russell is upstairs and Natalie says how convenient. Natalie wants tomorrow to come. Lydia says they'll have to sit up there with him (HOH LD tomorrow) and says Casey and Russ are bagging on Ronnie. Nat says Ronnie lied and is playing the game, but not being personal. Lydia says she's not saying stuff to anyone but them.

8:25 BBT

Kev leaves and Lydia tells Nat she wants to learn more about Nat and her life and bf if Nat will tell her. Lydia says Nat is so young and Lydia has screwed up and made so many mistakes. She tells Nat she tried to kill herself last year, and also had to take her friend to the ER to get their stomach pumped and been through so much and if Nat has any questions about anything, to please ask her.

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