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10:51 BBT"Its on like Donkey Kong" Lydia tells Kevin and Ronnie about the veto comp. Now there are back at the memory wall talking about the number of men and women..

Russel comes in..Lydia saying "look how much taller I am than you" as she stands next to Russell... Lydia telling him she's not giving up and she hugs him and tells him she "wears my heart on my sleeve" and reassuring "I'm not mad" and tells him "I totally dig you guys" and wouldn't put him, Jesse or ?? up. Telling him she was "just sad" for being nominated and going on about her sadness..Russell distancing himself saying he had no hand in her nom....Lydia wonders if she was nominated because "the way I look"

10:56 People start coming in so Rusell and Lydia's convo stops as Natalie says she wants to "take a bath" and offers Lydia a bath while she says only if they are naked...Natatie says "It will never happen" and Lydia tells her to "embrace her nakedness" and she's "no no no" as she heads up to HOH

Natalie in HOH reassuring CHima that they have the votes and "the worst case scenario" would be a tie and Jesse would keep her. Natalie hopes Jeff goes next week...

"Im still going to fight for the power of veto" and Natatlie says she should and repeats "worst case scenario" and tells her that they probably have Casey even if "he turns"..saying "we have the numbers" if the get rid of Lydia and they need to win "HOH". Chima "I can't believe hes going to vote against his team when you have the numbers" talking aboutr Jeff. Natatlie says she doesn't know for sure but assume he isn't.

Chima says she wished Lydia would stay and be part of the girls while Natalie says she wouldn't ne becaus eshe was with Jeff and Kevin

11:02 BBT Lydia talking to Ronnie about the PoV.

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