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Things you LOVE about Big Brother...

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Big Brother is coming...

The Countdown has begun, the casting should almost be complete at CBS, the commercials are increasing in fequency.

Big Brother is more than a weekly show - it is a total experience.

So, what is it that you LOVE about Big Brother - Share all the big and little stuff that you know is just a short time away.

What I LOVE about Big Brother:

Letters from Inanimate Objects to the Houseguests

Reading the Morty's Daily feed coverage (especially when Morty himself is covering).

Doing the weekly prediction challenge

When I happen to catch the live feeds at just the moment something BIG is happening in the house

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well its what bought me to morty's in the first place and what has kept me here for 4 years. not that i would leave now if they decided to cancel bb i have grown into the other forums here mainly american idol forum that is where you can find me after bb ends . bb is the only reality show that can occupied me 24/7 for three months. everything is live no spoilers like survivor when you are watching the season but you already know who won. well i do usually know who will win bb before it ends lol but it isnt ruing from the start like survivor which i stopped watching awhile back. i have met a lot of cool folks online . i cross post on two bb boards jokers and morty's so i get to enjoyed and see how posters on both board interpreted the current season. morty's once a fav is picked the majority seem to go for that person jokers on the other hand isnt so . morty's i like the slow pace of the board and the organizations of threads for each hg weekly is always in same spot. jokers is more fast pace which i do like at times i have more discussion based on gameplay on jokers then here. but it does get overwhelming on jokers at times so i like slow pace on morty's where i can get a post in during the endurance comp lol. so i like the fact bb gives me a chance to enjoy two great boards which i like each for different reasons.

What I LOVE about Big Brother:

1.live 24/7 action for three months

2. multiple bb boards morty's & jokers


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What do I love? Hmmmmm, I love anything that gets UVP to write a post of more than 4 or 5 words! I remember someone else commenting on something similar a few weeks ago in the AI threads I think :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

I really love the personalities of the HG's. I know some, UVP in particular, really define the game around the game play of the HG's, but for me, it's the personalities. I lurked around Morty's for a few seasons, but what drove me to join and start posting for BB10 was that darn Jerry. I won't go into too many specifics, but I've got a neighbor just like him. He was a marine for 2 years during the late 50's, and 50 years later, that is his only identity. Everything he owns has a MC logo on it. There's not a piece of artwork on his walls that doesn't have a MC theme to it, and yet for 50 years, he sold appliances at Sears. I still can't figure it out. :animated_scratchchin:

I love when a great plan comes apart. I love the scheming, promises made and broken, plans going awry. Heck, I love the fights and crying (in BB, not Morty's :) ) and all the drama. I love loving some of the HG's and despising others. It's great!

What I LOVE about Big Brother:

The personalities of the HG's being stripped raw and thrown out there for us to view.

Watching some of the best laid plans fall apart.

My mood rising and falling with the fortunes of my favorite.

Heck, it's just so darn fun to be so involved with something as nonsensical as BB . . I just can't help myself.

Reading the banter here at Morty's. The passion can be overwhelming :)

The fact that for a few hours a week, I can just forget about everything else and indulge my guilty pleasure - Big Brother!

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lol if i am guilty of 10 words or less i am not going down alone . i dont like to beat around the bush so i will make a post such as this:

"final four lock"," final six lock", "potential winner", "has the look to keep them around" :animated_rotfl:

i do have a female version of the 10 words or less club here as well :animated_rotfl: . but i think she does it better then me.

take a guess as to who it is?

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I like the dirt, the drama, the anger, all the nasty stuff that we all think, feel and want to express but don't because it isn't 'okay'.

I love to hate the HG's and know it's okay to do so, at least for 3 months.

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I've been watching Big Brother since the beginning of the show. I enjoy the challenge of doing Live Feed Updates. I also enjoy the watching the feeds during the evening hours as this seems to be the period of time most of the secrets are exposed.

The main reason I began watching the show was to examine the psychological aspect of over a dozen strangers living in the same house for three months. It's amazing to watch the friendships develop and also be destroyed. It's kinda like watching lab rats and their behavior patterns. lol

Things I LOVE about Big Brother

1. Live feeds 24/7

2. Trying to figure out what's going to happen next

3. Sharing thoughts on the show with others who also enjoy it

4. Live chat!

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i do have a female version of the 10 words or less club here as well :animated_rotfl: . but i think she does it better then me. take a guess as to who it is?
:animated_scratchchin: Does it start with a M and end in a Y?

And UVP when I started to read your post I instantly thought what Sono said...you are a man of few words, but when they get a going they are powerful...lubs ya!

I LOVE everything about it. Most of what you all have already posted are my reasons for Loving BB too! Seen every season. Finally joined Mortys and so glad I did....

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Is it me uvp??? BTW. I love all your posts!!

I like the live feeds, getting to know the HQ's and who I like and dislike, enjoy BBAD and so much more.

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:animated_scratchchin: Does it start with a M and end in a Y?

nope but i havent been paying attention to m & y posts. but just like me this person doesnt waste words and gets straight to the point. i dont want this person to get offended that i am pointing them out i actually like reading the quicker post over the long winded ones. btw i am jealous because they do the 10 words or less better then me :animated_rotfl:

here is a sample of the person i am talking about posts:

Wow these are pretty good.

nice king!!!

Very, very cute!!!

Awww! I want Milo!!!!!

!!! should give it away

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I never say anything in less than 10 words, even this.

:) (=11 words)

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What I LOVE about Big Brother:

Starting a thread that gets UVP to say more than 10 words.

Searching for the female version of UVP with just the hint of "Milo" - maked me think it might have something to do with Heros.

Reading what other people LOVE about Big Brother...I agree it is the 24/7 experience that I get with no other show (My family does suffer a little for 3 months out of the year but it really is one of my only remaining true vices). And, I forgot about BBAD - I like to have the TV going, the live feeds going AND be logged into Morty's Board or Chat to play on everyword...especially if there is something good going on.

I love the midGame portion of Big Brother (after the 1st few weeks and evictions). It is the period of time when the Houseguests have settled in and no longer really notice the cameras, we have gotten to know the Houseguests, gameplay is underway and there are enough people in the house to get several conversations going throughout the house.

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nope but i havent been paying attention to m & y posts. but just like me this person doesnt waste words and gets straight to the point. i dont want this person to get offended that i am pointing them out i actually like reading the quicker post over the long winded ones. btw i am jealous because they do the 10 words or less better then me :animated_rotfl:

here is a sample of the person i am talking about posts:

Wow these are pretty good.

nice king!!!

Very, very cute!!!

Awww! I want Milo!!!!!

!!! should give it away

OMG! It's Erin! And you've got to love her tats as well UVP ;)

And I certainly don't think she'll be offended at all. Quite the contrary probably

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This thread is certainly getting off-topic :animated_rotfl:

It's time I say what I love about big brother

What I love:

  • 24/7 access to the houseguests (even though we are censored sometimes)
  • Morty's chat
  • the great people that come back to the forum just for the season

    and last but not least...

  • The prediction challenge.
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What I love....

Mortys preseason board banter

Mortys Chat!!!!!!!!!

Who will mess up the best laid plans?

The gossip

What I dont like.....the showmances

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Haha, I usually don't go over the longer posts either! Why say a lot when you can say it in so few words! LOL.

I hate the showmances too. One of the main things I love about BB is this board and the posting that goes on here. I love hearing the stragegy and seeing how things change hour by hour. I love that it keeps you on your toes.

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I love sitting in front of the TV watching the live HOH's and literally cheering or screaming at the new winner. Right then and there, you have an idea of how the week will go. It gets so nerve racking!

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I love the premiere, never knowing how the houseguests will bond, even after watching their pre-entry videos.

I love watching the HoH competitions and rooting for a specific person (or even "side") to win.

I love when the underdogs I'm rooting for turn the tables and emerge victorious.

I love seeing "BIG moves" play out (

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I love about BB

24/7 feeds

Mortys, even tho i lurk more than post

The antisapation before the first night

I have been watching the live feeds and the show since season 1 and coming here just as long.. I will miss BB when its time for it to end.. which I hope never comes :bigcry:

I love reading all the posts

FYI.. I can't wait for July 9th..

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I always lurked but couldnt get in my old name so have new one. lol Guess I was gone to long. I have always loved big brother. I like wondering how I'd handle a situation. I'd be to chicken to go on it. lol

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What I love about Big Brother:

The House Guests, no matter who you put in there, someone is always bound to be a little more "flirty" then the others, one is going to try and hide from the cameras and there is ALWAYS that one who tries to play with intergrity... poor bloke.

The lying cheating stealing and fighting, BB=Guilty Pleasure #1!!!

But First, of course JULIE CHEN!!! It wouldnt be BB without her!!

And last, but certainly not least.... MORTYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When i was too young for the feeds Mortys got me through it, just like it will through the next year!! You have no idea how many times I got grounded off the site because I would spoil everything for my mom!! LOL!!!

I LOVE BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LOL elle, there are worse things to be addicted to.....

Altho I don't think our families feel that way with us hibernating for 3 months.

back on topic--

I love the love/hate relationship we have with all the players.

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