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Guest ranster627

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Guest Shockalot

Rachel and Maggie have a chat outside.

Summing it up, Rachel tells Maggie she wont try and compete for the Veto because she wont use it.

Maggie understands but its dissapointed.

Rachel explains there is just no way it will benefit her (Rachel) to save Maggie.

They agree they like each other together.

Rachel tries to suggest that James will be the target.

Now Eric comes out and Rachel Leaves.

Eric is intense.

He informs Maggie he believes he has the votes to get James out and save her.

He lists almost everyone in the house then looks perplexed.

He wants to know if he should drop the "HowieBomb"?

They agree to save the 'HowieBomb' until after the veto and only if necessary to save Maggie.

Now Maggie leaves to pee and Sarah comes beside Eric.

Eric says he is really in a dilema.. He cant go against James.

Sarah says he cant go against Maggie?

Eric "I have no choice now!?"

Maggie returns and Eric says he will go talk to Kaysar about letting Maggs and James sleep in the HoH room.

Eric finds Kaysar and Howie and somehow manages to turn the request into some sort of highly intense confrontational issue even though Kaysar was like "Ya.. thats cool, i agree".


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Guest Shockalot

Everyone in the backyard.

Howie is adjusting his Mandana.

Beau asks him why he puts it on so tight?

Howie explains - " It makes me feel stronger - Its like a swimmer shaving down.. or a race car being smooth.. it makes me more Plyometrical!"

Howie did you just say "Plyometrical?"


Do you mean Areodynamic?

Howie "Ya that too.. same thing.. more Aerodynamical"

[[[Plyometrics: a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping]]]

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Sarah is kidding with H saying he will not get laid tonight or the next night or the next.


Everything seems very uncomfortable its is very quiet


April and Iv are talking about who they would put upnext week. Iv is ranting on about how much she want Jan to go down and they should of gone Kay and not Howie

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james in in GR talking to janelle....James is sooo naive. he still believes that beau and ivette will vote maggie out over him. Janelle tells him hes wrong! James says as much as you hate them they hate you so i cant be seen talking to you.

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Guest raceingal11

sarah is now in the gold room, telling janelle about the "April=Trust" story, but without names. janelle asking questions and telling sarah that there are liers in the house, and asking what she (sarah) thinks of "them".

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Guest raceingal11

sarah now cappy trash talkin' to janelle. sarah: "he says his family means everything to him. he wouldn't have left them to come here if the money wasn't just as important." "he says that james is my boy..." "no matter what you guys thing, james had his (kay) back." "james just wantes it to seem like he's working with eric."

janelle just asked sarah if she knew james before - no, why?

now tlking aobut the duos and what janelle & kaser knows about the duos

(i'm just taking snippits out of the convo cuz I can't type that fast ... sorry)

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Guest raceingal11

(jan & sarah)all of the sudden they got really quiet in their talk and then we got fish (I couldn't hear them at all)

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Sarah was telling janelle the story about I didnt get called by BB until 5 days until the show started. I think this is her & James previous stratey to throw everyone off them as a pair. Feed cut to fish.

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Guest raceingal11

feeds come back and james comes into the gr "is this every mans dream" janelle calls him howie. all convo stops so he leaves. still talking about the duos and how each one has messed up or slipped up about their coupling. now they're talking about michael.

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Eric is telling April that James voted for Kayser to leave in the first week...April is shocked!

Eric is acting like James told him that information in confidence after the voting, because James thinks Eric is his boy...Eric says James has been his biggest pain since the beginning.

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7:55 BBT

The plan is beginning to work...everyone is second guessing everything, and they are all turning against each other. So many lies begin swapped back and forth, it's hard to keep up.

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backyard feed..april and cappy in hamock. Cappy telling april that james voted for ashlea to stay. Cappy is totally making james the fool for the plan cappy brought up in the first week. Wow this guy is low! Ivette joins them and says she told maggie that she doesnt trust maggie because she doesnt bring stuff to the table for ivette she doesnt offer up anything. so she has nothing to trust her on. Maggie opens up and ivette that the plan is for james to win veto and put ivette up.

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Ivette just went up to Maggie and Beau in the hot tub and told them that she and Beau would play for Maggie and James in the veto competition so that they could NOT use the veto and get rid of James.

She repeated herself forcefully several times, not leaving any room for discussion or questions from the two of them.

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James just admitted to Kaysar that he knows Sarah. He played it off that he needed to keep his "ace in the hole"

Interesting.... the plan is changing as the sides change. If they take James off the block, they are going to put Eric up!

Kaysar is talking about this final six: Kaysar, Janelle, James, Sarah, Howie, and Rachel

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Kaysar: Eric's scared shitless

James: He's scared shitless and he's the one that's started all the shit and lying.

Kaysar: I wasn't sure about Sarah and you.

James: Of course I told her everything. I've only been dating her about 5 months now. Let's leave, Eric saw us coming up.

They leave.

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April, Ivette, Eric in hammock talking to Jenn.

E: I need to know you are with us tomorrow. If any of us when the veto, it stays as is and James goes.

Jenn: Maggie asked me to play for her.

Iv: I'm going to play for her. Did you want to play for her? Can you give it 100 percent do you want it so bad you can taste it? I want to get the shit people out of here. I wouldn't even go to the wrap party unless I would get fined or something, you know what I mean?

Jenn: I just don't like how they are trying to put us against each other.

FISH on all.

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Janelle Sarah Kaysar in HOH

Sarah: I don't know if we can trust Rachel.

Kaysar: I trust them. We can do this.

Sarah: You are so like, you are so good at this!

Kaysar: I just wanted to get this done. I wanted to split them up.

Sarah: Who are you getting to compete for you?

K: Howie, are you competing for?

S: James. Please take him off. I don't want to be here without him. He makes me feel like I'm an angel. He's my strength. I'm not here because of money I'm here because I would never say no to that person no matter what he asks me.

K: I know you didn't tell me because you didn't know if you could trust me. When I asked him he wouldn't tell me but he said that maybe BB put you in because she's the perfect girl for me.

S: Don't say this to me! I'm going to call him a fucker cause I'm so pissed at him right now. I told him we should just tell you! He wouldn't listen to me. I told that fucker we should just tell you, we could trust you. He didn't lie, I didn't want to be here.


Back in the HOH same people.

Sarah: Oh god please please please. I hope it's chess the big chess piece.

More talk about strategy. Then Sarah says she has to join the others and leaves.

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