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Do's and Dont's of Big Brother


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Don't promise your vote to ANYONE! This includes swearing on someones' life.

Don't give up on an endurance competition after making a deal to save yourself and possibly someone else.

Do bring extra clothes.

Do know that ALL cameras in the BB house can be seen by live feeds.

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DON"T.....I repeat DON'T let go of ANY button. ESPECIALLY aganist someone from the OTHER side! :skellington:

DO use the Veto on yourself ANY CHANCE you get!

DO bring hair dye if you do an all over color and plan to stay put in the house for 3 months.

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Don't have sex on camera ( unless you want a career in porn then it's fine). Don't act like an a**. Keep you mouth shut and your ears open at all times!!!

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do is simply use commonsense. too much of bad gameplay by hg is based on the fact they dont used commonsense

dont forgot to use commonsense

a good example of my point is ollie thinking dan was going to be stupid enough to let him run his hoh by allowing him to pick his noms . if ollie had used commonsense he would see how stupid it looked for someone to just let you run their hoh.

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Don't go in trying to be the biggest slut the show has ever seen. It's just nauseating to watch and your parents don't need to go through that kind of humiliation.

Don't freak out on one of your fellow HG 's the very first night. Really, try not to freak out on anyone in specific at all. You don't know who they're tied to or how long they'll last.

Don't underestimate anyone's game play or abilities...not even the elderly.

Don't use lines from former HG's and claim it as your own. While the HG's may have never seen an episode and think you're cool, the feedwatchers have seen every episode from every season and we'll think you're a loser... did I mention we out number the HG's by the thousands?

Don't bring God into the game. He really doesn't care if you win or lose or even that you're on the show pimping yourself out to win half a mill that you don't plan on giving to anyone anyhow you selfish piece of snot!

Don't drop the F-bomb or any other swear word you can think of after every word when you're fighting. It won't get aired in it's full glory and the TV viewers will never know what a loser ( *cough* I mean, winner ;) ) you really are.

Don't go on the show to further your acting or modelling career. Sure, I think Boogie may have been in a movie, but was it actually in theatres??? Boogie... I rest my case!

Oh God, I see I HAVE to go "there" now that I said his name... Don't kiss, touch, or make out with anyone named Boogie. He may have a genital wart that you can catch. He's just gross and icky and no amount of money is worth degrading yourself like that. Refer back to the first don't.








Do ignore everything I've just said. We actually like being able to look down on you all and poke fun. It somehow makes us feel better about ourselves. Not to mention, it makes for great board wars and intense discussions!

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be yourself.. if your a jerk, be a jerk.. if your nice, be nice.. like cooking, cook..

We have had winners who were Jerks... who were honest..who were liers... who were cooks.. who were manipulative.. who were flip floppers.. who were floaters..

So DO what ever you feel like.., I believe Floaters should be able to win too..

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Don't have unprotected sex! You are there for half a million dollars, don't ruin it by getting a disease or getting pregnant!

Don't make a big deal over sleeping arrangements. You are there for half a million dollars, who cares where you sleep. The person who you give the comfy bed to may be the one who keeps you in the game later on!

Do trust your instincts!

Do keep things to yourself!

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DO wash your hands after using the john!

DON'T give the PoV away EVER!

DO bring some smokes even if you don't. Save em for later in the game when someone is jonesing, cigarettes could save your life (in the game!) ha

DON'T tell anyone your most personal secrets unless you want the world to know.

DO lie if you're rich. nobody wants to give the cash to someone who doesn't need it.

DON'T give sob stories about how hard your life has been, everyone hates a poverty case.

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Watch Old Seasons Before you go into the house! (And not only 1)

But once inside the house, don't refer to previous seasons. Your fellow housemates are easily threatened by people they think are experts on the game. Play dumb, but not too dumb or they'll think you're smart and playing dumb.

Remember Mike Lubinski in BB5, they voted him out first because he scared them when he said that he watched every season, Remember Chicken George in All-Stars? There were times they thought he was a genius, because "No one could be that dumb."

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Dick did it..

i think the dont give veto away is more referring to hg that threw veto comp thinking they were safe and got evicted because of it eg. matt bb9

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh God, I see I HAVE to go "there" now that I said his name... Don't kiss, touch, or make out with anyone named Boogie. He may have a genital wart that you can catch. He's just gross and icky and no amount of money is worth degrading yourself like that. Refer back to the first don't.


If they had an emoticon for puking I would add it!

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