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Big Brother Africa 1 is airing on Africa Network in USA


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This is the first non-American(CBS) edition to be sown on TV. It is the 1st season of BB Africa from 2003. It started airing 2 weeks ago, tody is Day 11 on the Africa Channel, and it runs for 106 Days, so for any of us, its "new" to us.

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Africa Channel

its can be seen in the USA in

New York State if you have Time Warner Cable, channel #87

Bend,Oregon if you have BendBroadband, channel #165

Los Angelos,California if you have Time Warner Cable, channel #176

Memphis,Tennessee if you have Comcast Cable, channel #235

Hampton Roads, Virgina if you have Cox Digital Cable(in select cites), channel # 239

Houston,Texas if you have Comcast Cable, channel #240

Fort Worth,Texas & Park Cities, Texas if you have Charter Cable, Channel #250

Georgia(select cities) if you have Cox Cable, cahnnel #350

Atlanta,Georgia if you have Comcast Cable, #182

Detroit,Michian, if you have, Comcast Cable, #184

Washington,DC if you have, Comcast Cable, #678

New Orleans,LA if you have Cox Cable, #344

Baton Rougue, LA if you have Cox Cable, #215


Outside USA if you live in

Jamaica if you have Santastic Cable Systems, channel #63

Bahamas if you have Cable Bahamas Oceans, channel #269

Barbados if you have Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, channel #200

Trinidad if you have Flow Cable, Channel #54

Inland Empire if you have Charter Cable, Channel #145


Big Brother Africa dosent NOT air on the Africa Channel in the UK due to E4 airing the series back in 2003.

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