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Bb Photoshoot


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Myss, I know what you mean. At first I just though it was a friend of Jens until I got to a pic of her alone. It hardly looks like her. I can't figure out what's so changed about here? Maybe I'm just not used to seeing her all made up or something??

And what is with Alex and Jen hooked up in a few pics together :animated_scratchchin:

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i never seen being losers so celebrated

but these three i do give them credit

they made losing worthwhile and are milking every ounce out of their 15 minutes

bb11 cant come fast enough


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well one thing I will say is the phtography is outstanding, and some of them photograph better than others. Some really nice pics

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someone tell me is that Alex and Jen, Ryans x girlfriend???

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FatCat - It Is! There are some rumors flying about those two! Jen and Ryan broke up after a trip Ryan took to go see Matty! Guess he strayed a little! :wacko:

And Pinkie! Thanks so much for the links. I love what a professional can do with a camera! He certainly brought out the best (possible) in everybody!

I agree, Dani looked very nice, almost a pixie quality to her! Jessica looked great as well!

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wow, the girl gets around, but I'll tell ya either would be sooo much better than that skank Ryan, hated him,lolol

Also I thought Jessica really looked great, so much prettier than we saw on her season. The all did look great, I also liked the ones of Sheila and ED.

Thanks for the info Sonoerinn, preciate it.

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Good job, Pinkie - thanks! The only one I thought was still just BLECH was James and James - although with freaky James from BB9 the photography was interesting. But James from 6 - I just can't stand looking at him, and even the great photographer didn't make him look all that good. I thought there were just a few too many of Chelsia, but the beotch does take great photos. She looked fantastic. Jessica looked kinda sickly to me - maybe a bit anorexic even - thru the face that's what it looked like to me. Danielle was very pretty, and has a great body.

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The Real Deal has posted his pictures from the Wrap Party and will be posting the gag reel soon also. You will need to add him as a friend on Myspace to view them. He will add anyone, all he asks is that no negative comments are made about his photos.

Here is the link : http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=247591927


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