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Saturday, September 13th


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Not sure why but BBAD is showing a re-run of today's feeds. Been like this for hours now. :animated_scratchchin:

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Just read on late night feeds that From now (Fri A.M) until Tuesday, HGs will be seperated from one another...I guess this is standard operating procedure. Too bad, I really wish Renny and Keesha could still hang out. Also, how will Olllie think for himself? Will Jury be able to talk to one another after Q&A? Or are they being whisked away?

"Miss April, Miss April, don't leave me!!! Don't leaves me..." April will be super bitchy and Ollie will be ready for one huge mad fit!!! Manchelle will be drunk 24/7 until Tuesday. Libra will have lots of time to work on her singing. Keesha will beg to get last two months of As the World Turns (CBS of course). Couldn't they get tapes like that being CBS? Maybe other shows and movies. I'd go nuts just sitting there reading the Bible. Maybe you get Novels, other Books.

One they should have read before going into BB house...

Big Brother for IDIOTS

So what do you guys think the Jury members will do alone?

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Wow, I didn't know the separated them. Interesting. I am definately nervous. It doesn't sound like it went well at all for Dan. I cannot believe that he may lose this to memphis. Memphis surely seems a little upset about Keesha now. I think its interesting that Keesha found out about his comment of her being evicted like a business deal.

I hope Dan gets her votes along with Renny, Libra, and Michelle.

What's up with April and Ollie not questioning either of them. They are just giving memphis his vote because Dan took his manhood. I wonder what Jerry asks them? No mention of that anywhere. Does anyone know???

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it was said that Ollie asked his question to Memphis and it was said in code to let Memphis know he had his vote, that is what memphis said, and April asked the floating question. I have NEVER heard that they sequester the jury. I find it really great to see Dano squirm, maybe deep down he thought he had it more in the bag. And I do not think Memphis should be so self assured, cause the jury is usually really mean then they reward the best player, so we will soon see. Squirm away Dan, you have not been that impressive to me.

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What the sequestered separated houseguest will do for 4 days......

Ollie - Day dream about moving in with April and wondering if their babies will inherit their mothers pointy chin and receding hairline.

April - Will start writing letters to all the Porn Production Agencies....To Whom It May Concern, I have included an audition tape in with this letter, granite you can't see much under the covers but everyone once in a while the sheets fall......I have no self worth, so use me in whatever way you see fit.... OH Yeah I will take on all the Porn Stars who don't wear condoms

Jerry - Will walk around in circles, probably tripping over the bed every once in a while, and talk to himself, oh yeah decorate the walls with his boogers

Manchelle - Will also walk around in circles drunk, hitting her fist in her hands

Libra - Probably day dream about her Hawaiian vacation

Keesha - Is probably beating herself up for trusting 2 jarheads that barely did anything the entire game

Renny - Will start on her book (which she did tell Keeesha she may write) titled "How to live in a house with 99% idiots and not hang yourself"


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How would WE or Dan & Memphis know that they are sequestered or not? Someone probably heard D&M talking and one of them assumed that they separate them or whatever and it was taken as a fact. Remember, for the most part we are dealing with (at least with Memphis for sure) people or a person who THINKS they know much about BB but really doesn't.

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since when did bb start to separate them


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About 1 1/2 hrs before the jury questions, the feeds went to FOTH for a couple of minutes. When the feeds came back on, Memphis made a comment to Dan that BB had announced that the jury members were sequestered.

I think everyone has assumed that this meant that the jury sequester will be until Tuesday! Don't know why, because that fact wasn't stated. I took it to mean that the jury was sequestered/isolated during the questioning process! IMHO

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took it to mean that the jury was sequestered/isolated during the questioning process! IMHO

that makes most sense


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well, they did say it could change the game, but that comp was completely up for grabs. Anyone of them could have won it.

Also, I read them talking and it does sound like the jury will be sequestered from each other, because Memphis mentioned that he didn't know they wouldn't be able to discuss things amongst themselves. However, the jury had already had time to go over what went down throughout the season with each other. Now, after speaking to the renegades they will not be able to discuss what was answered to them and vote accordingly w/o interference by anyone else.

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Anything's possible Vesper :animated_scratchchin:

Maybe I had my headphones turned down too low, but my take on the comment that Memphis made was that there was an announcement from BB. I didn't feel he got this from a DR session. So ALL of us are speculating based on a snipet from Memphis :)

And UVP - I like your new hat! :hahohi:

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Didn't mean to imply that about the Dr. I remember him saying sometime during yesterday that it came over the loud speaker about the jury. Then Memphis reiterated that he didn't know that they wouldn't be able to discuss it amongst themselves. This should be quite interesting. I am nervous that Dan the man may lose this.

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