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Memphis - Week 11 - Runner Up!


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Good job Memphis AND Dan-0! We could've been stuck watching Renny and Jerry soaking their dentures to pass the time as F2

I think the boring factor is about the same between each pairs.


This is what Dan the man is: A MASTER MANIPUTLATOR. He did it himself with most of the scenarios that played out and he even made Memphis do it without realizing it. Case in point: Evicting Keesha, and Asking Jerry for those gold bars.

Dan put the idea in his head and then tried to talk him out of it. Which in turn made Memphis to want to do it even more.

However, Memphis doesn't seem like a complete lost cause. He actually feels bad about hurting Keesha. Thats a new one.


Ginger, I don't think Dan can tell Memphis about the AP and winning $20,000 or he'd lose the money.


RE: Memphis knowing about Catalina...

When Keesha arrived at the SH, Michelle told Keesha about trip and Keesha said I know. I don't recall Dan telling Memphis before F2. Dan may have preempted the news before they were quizzed by Sequestered Ones.


I think your right about Dan not being able to tell about the AP winnings. I really doubt that Memphis is worried about running into keesha in town. I choose to believe there is a heart somewhere in that tough exterior. Regardless, it was a game and there is s winner and a loser. I still think the same result would have happened if they handled the eviction better, or taken her to the F3. Now, its very possible that stringing Jerry along won't have the payoff as a vote and the complete opposite affect for Dan evicting him as well, but I guess we shall see.


If the friendship between Memphis and Keesha was real, then she won't hold it against him. He obviously cares about her, but he was trying to play the game too and win money. He didn't go in there to make friends. He went in there to win and make a better life for he and his gf. Friends are the icing on the cake. I highly doubt that Keesha would have taken Memphis to the F2...so I don't know why she's acting so heart broken. She wanted to win it as well. On that note, while she was sad to lose Renny, I'm sure a part of her at that moment felt relieved because she knew she wouldn't be able to win against her. I add this because she doesn't see herself as less of a friend to Renny for wanting to win and going along with things to win the game. Therefore, she shouldn't crucify Memphis. I really think he just couldn't bare the thought of telling her and seeing her hurt. If she was hurt while she was walking out the door, at least he wouldn't have to sit there, see her cry, and know he's responsible for it.

I choose to believe there is a heart somewhere in that tough exterior.


Ginger, I don't think Dan can tell Memphis about the AP and winning $20,000 or he'd lose the money.

Thanks Ceci for the reply.


I doubt Memphis has to worry about running into Keesha in a city like L.A. You can live on the same block and not see each other.

I'm glad he booted Keesha or else Dan wouldn't be getting her vote or Renny's!


Memphis isn't on BB to be a candyass. Props to him for making F2. His friends & family seem to like him. But I'm not looking to like him. Just root for the F2 so long as they weren't floaters ( see Erika under Boogie in your Websters Dictionary ).


Runs back in and tackles Ginger.....


ugh...Boogie and Erika in F2 was the worst ever...Wicked deserves a good smack for reminding us of that nightmare of a finale! :bangin:

Memphis and Dan played the game and deserve to be where they are right now.

As for Keesha...she'll get over Memphis voting her out and will hang with him when she's out...she'll still vote to give Dan the money...revenge and all...but no doubt in my mind they'll be friends. Birds of a feather. Besides...she got the exposure she wanted from the show...not that it will help with her career at all. Good thing she still has JJ to leach on...;)

The LAST THING Hooters would EVER consider is to allow Keesha to do a tv commercial for them with her EATING! Smack slurp crunch chomp

I don't think Keesha would have to eat or drink anything for a Hooters commerical, now if she has to talk that would be a difficult endeavor


not to mention how nice his manboobs look in those v-neck tees,lolol

Memphis needs a renegade brassier,lolol


one of the least popular hg on mortys

he barely beat jerry in the mortys polls



I liked Memphis from the beginning too but, I gotta agree with everyone on those v-necks... :no: I have to say though... at least the v-necks have more of a personality. :lol:


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