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Memphis - Week 10


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stone cold killer


but vs both dan and jerry imho he is playing for second

but 50k isnt a bad day at the office for a bartender


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Memphis is such a cool liar. How closely did BB check him out. I have always thought he is older than he says. So how man convictions were "expunged" from his record? The man obviously has enemies from before BB. Hope they start coming out of the woodwork. His fat ass ought to be over in Iraq. Bring back the draft, Congress. Just for Memphis.

I predict Memphis will do time for not paying taxes. Or for some forgotten burglary/scam.

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Memphis is such a cool liar. How closely did BB check him out. I have always thought he is older than he says. So how man convictions were "expunged" from his record? The man obviously has enemies from before BB. Hope they start coming out of the woodwork. His fat ass ought to be over in Iraq. Bring back the draft, Congress. Just for Memphis.

I predict Memphis will do time for not paying taxes. Or for some forgotten burglary/scam.

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Memphis might just try his luck against Jerry if Mem gets to choose who's going with him, if it ever sinks into his thick skull how Dan may get more votes than him. Duh? Maybe Keesha's gushing thanks to Memphis at exit ceremony was to get Memphis to reconsider his F2 plans with Dan, unless Dan wins of course.

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He's not playing for second he thinks Jerry's vote will cancel out Keesha's, and he knows Dan has pissed off more people than him. He would have probablly did things different if he knew the Michelle thing.

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Lenny what has Memphis done, I musta missed something, do tell

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No matter what happens in final HOH, Memphis is safe. In fact he is safest hg right now.

Naw, I think Dan whispered in Keesha's ear before he left that he was going to take Jerry to F2. He said he couldnt tell her until right before she left and she would be shocked, but a good shock...do not show any emotions...Memphis safest bet it to backstab Dan...I think that is what he is going to do...that is why he took Jerry to F3...that would be great...Could it be that the sleeping Giant has awoken! hope it is not too late...

Chopped Liva...check out this photo Memphis at top of page. He looks 10 years younger in that picture

No he looked like that going in, he has gain some wait...

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Then he said, "Finish it!" Meaning get me the votes and start with Michelle. How I took it anyways.

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Memphis has played a good game even though he says some stupid things (like the hooter's comment etc..). Although it was shady to turn on keesha, it's the best move for dan without him doing the dirty work, so I'm not going to bash memphis in regards to her getting booted.

I hate Jerry, so I am hoping F2 is memphis and dan. I'd love to see jerry evicted by dan when he's so close to the money.

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