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America's Choice - Keesha


Who will you vote to win America's Choice?  

212 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will you vote for

    • Keesha
    • Ollie
    • Libra
    • Michelle
    • Renny
    • April
    • last one evicted - Jerry

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I'm voting for Keesha for the sheer entertainment value of watching April's head explode animated :animated_rotfl:

Damn! I didn't think of that before I voted for Renny!!!!!


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There is no doubt in my mind that Renny should win this.............

although, I could understand Keesha votes..........

I've been one to poo poo conspiracy theories about BB, over the years........but if Jerry wins, I will be a true believer that the fix is in

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I voted for Keesha. She played a very good game from the beginning to about midway; then she let her emotions rule her too much. I believe the game just 'got to her'. Renny was a character, but did not play the game at all.

Btw, the reason I believe they even have an AC prize is twofold: one, to involve the viewing audience and let them have a voice especially if the F2 are people they dislike...and two, to make the jury members feel like they are hanging around for something more than voting to give the money to someone else.

It must suck to sit in that jury house for several weeks, without your family and friends, once you are out of the game. Yeah, it is part of what they signed on for but it still must feel like a darn long time away from your normal life with no reward.

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i gave 8 votes to keesha for antirenny votes

honestly if jerry win i wont be upset he played the game ten times better then all on the jury outside of keesha


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I voted for Renny but it wasn't an easy decision. Her pandering comments throughout the season really annoyed me... especially towards the end. But, she did entertain me more than the others so... I went ahead and gave my votes to her.

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I still say she played a keener game than most people give her credit for. Sure she fell short and got voted out; they all but two did. Ultimately, those who agree know why and many of those who don't never will get why.

But I'll say this much of her: She was another one that was targeted almost from the beginning. And she had to switch up her behavior and plans of action in that house FAST in order to not get dropkicked out the door. Sure she had a little luck; but again, they all did at different times.

Anyway. Her gameplay eventually made me do a 180 in my attitude toward her.

I also feel she did far more than entertain. I find her inspiring. Heck. If people can vote for April cos they think she is hot, I can most certainly vote for Renny cos I find her inspiring on top of good recovery and below radar gameplay.

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