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itsd the SAG(Sceen Actors Guild) yes, its correct they may go on strike.... were we go again

SAG's board memers will vote on 10/8, to strike or not to strike.

Its xpected they will strike but its expected that it wot be effect TV right away as TV & Movies people had a feeling the strike was commin so they rushed on TV & Movies. SO if the SAG do strike will wont effect TV as bad as i did last year but..... SAG members plan on a VERY long strike, as Both sides arent even talking. SO like we always say with BB "Expect the unexpected."

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Picking up on something from earlier in the thread - the age limit. Is it set at 21 because that's the legal drinking age where it's filmed?

How about an 18-21 edition then if they did two seasons in one year again - a relatively simple casting twist, but again something different. And if they all can't drink, that's not an issue!

I want another British version of Big Brother. I really wouldn't mind an episode being on every night and I think it would be great to remove the power back out of the houseguests hands for once and give it completely to the public.


But there needs to be something huge to shake up the next season. For instance, I am so damn tired of the layout of the house and all the same camera angles.

I don't see the harm in letting the viewers choose the winner as it would add a new dimension to the gameplaying. Don't announce it before hand, but when we're down to 9 houseguests have Julie announce to the house the viewers will determine the winner and let us (and them) see how people's behaviour changes as a result.

On the whole I think the houseguests should probably continue evicting for now, but there is no harm in having a couple of twists where the public perhaps get to evict someone or get to award the Power of Veto or something.

That said though, the Brazilian version is probably the most successful BB in the world and they use a version of the US format which incorporates public voting. Basically the HoH chooses one nominee, the HGs vote for the second and the public choose the evictee.

As for the house - completely agree it's time to rip it up and start again. If BBUK can do it every season, I'm sure BBUSA could find the cash for a complete revamp. It was very disappointing that when they moved houses they basically opted for the same layout with just the HoH room added on the second floor.

The other main area that needs reworking is the Veto - and I've been saying that since BB7. It's far too dominant now and is arguably more crucial than HoH. There needs to be a consequence of using the Veto - IMO the simplest way to do it is to set the jackpot at $1,000,000 - and knock off $100,000 every week the Veto is used.

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What season was it that they had hidden rooms and clues for people to find things out in the house?

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winter edition is too much..

And the Mods, couldnt just take off either..

Please stop complaining about the extra season being so much work and you getting burnt out....

If they just didnt show up, then the boards could get out of hand (BB8).. And if they werent here to "clean up", then each thread would get to like 60 pages a piece and slow up the boards..

So i appreciate our people in charge here, and I agree, 2 seasons a year is too much.. if we have winter versions, and the turnout didnt do too good, so the ratings were low, that just increases the chances of a cancelation..

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I hope there isn't a winter season... It's just way too much on the mods... You can say that this isn't a job and that nobody is forcing you to do it, but if it weren't for Jem this board would have been closed a long time ago... It's not a job, it's just that we have given our word to people to help out with this board, and you ain't got nothin if you ain't got your word... If you don't like what people are saying, then don't read it, nobody is making you, and it's not a job...

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I don't want a winter edition because... because... it's just too much! I'm busy during this time coming up... not to say that I'm not busy during the summer, but I just have more time to kill during the summer wasting away hours watching houseguests talk, brush their teeth, cook food, break things, and break wind.

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It's one of the few reality shows I really like so I would love a winter edition but doubt we will see one again.

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I'm mixed about the whole winter ep thing. I liked it last year b/c nothing else was on, and it kills to wait a whole year for BB anyway. But that's what makes BB fun to watch.

Julie Chen was in LA the latter part of '08, and you know she usually doesn't go there unless it's almost time for a new season. I just remember watching the Early Show one morning and they said she was in LA-- might have been around October or so. So do you think this could be an indicator of a winter season?

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NOOOOOOOOO Don't want winter BB, too much for me to handle with my fav winter shows starting up. Bad enough nothing gets done in summer with BB, but winter I gotta clean house, cook food, clean clean clean!! Geezzzzz hubby would leave me if I sit infront of this thing for another three months..... :animated_bouncy: Summer BB just fine for me...


I'd watch anyways

I'm with you SueZqueZ! BB twice a year would kill me and my house... wait a minute... I could enter the "Messiest House In America" for Clean House! Hmmmm, let me think about this one... :animated_scratchchin:

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