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Big Brother 11


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The gist of what I'm saying is that this show is in a rut when it's possible for it be good if they would consider taking any sort of risk.

I so agree with that statement.

I also agree with the poster who said:

get some new blood in the production staff so they can come up with new and fresh ideas instead of the same old stuff over and over.

I think they need to keep the HG's busier and not meddle so much with editing.

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I do believe that BB has to be more "prison" like. No luxury comps, no gifts, no extra money (just give them a million as first prize), more chores and foods that are tired and boring.

Ditto. Remember in the early BB days when the washing machine was the old fashioned roller machine? They had to work at washing their clothes!

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Hey All - I just wanted to add my suggestion on how to make BB better. Everyone has some really interesting theories and ideas.

I think that, like the Mole, houseguests should compete in competitions to add money (or prizes) to the pot. (eg. replace luxury competitions) And that way they could have more luxury/add to pot competitions - maybe every week! (Tues. show is always a little boring for me because I read the feed updates and know who has won and used the veto). Also, houseguests might be more strategic in who they vote out because they may want to keep the stronger players around to add to the pot.

BTW - I do like pre-house relationships, I just wish they could think of something original, which although I have racked my brain, can't think of any myself - good luck to the producers! (Howabout employee & supervisor?)

Just my thoughts....


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if they do a bb allstars it will be very balance in comps unlike first where janelle won everything

the only problem i see is i dont see any strong woman in comps just dani

the guys are loaded with great comp players cj, dan, adam, ed

this is my allstar field so far

ed, dani, sheila, cj, adam , dan, keesha , libra , jen but i doubt she want to be the same house as ed again


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Thank you, Smooches. :o

I don't know that much about Alison Grodner except that I am inclined to think she (or somebody - maybe her mom or her sis or her bff) tends to prefer one HG over another which might be why we see so much of Dan - this show - in the DR. It probably wasn't all that difficult to pick a fav this time. I mean, really.

I also think she has not been very innovative.

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I want Big Brother to go back to just summer. I love it and wouldn't mind it all year, but it's gunna overload ppl and they're going to get sick of it and it will die :[. I can't live without big brother.

Take a year off, get some fresh new ideas [this year was good, they did it origional style.. strangers and no "twists] and go from there.

I hope bb11 is great!


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I think they need to make a way that people would not want to throw so many comps. Like once it gets down to 7 or 8 they also win some money when they win HOH or POV. and that is money they could use in the house or not. Something instead of throwing every single comp to someone else because you do not want to get blood on your hands.

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I like the strangers thing, but if they do a "previously known" houseguest like they did the last 7 seasons pretty much.. I would want it to be split 50/50. Here's what I mean.. season 9 had ONE set of x bf/gf.. and a set of current bf/gf and everyboyd else was on their own. Season 8 had 3 pairs of "enemies". I want a 50/50 split.

And I've been saying this for years.. but I would LOOVEE it if a pov could save both nominees forcing the HOH to replace two different nominees that would drastically effect the house in my opinion.


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1.big herd mob mentality the first few weeks

2.everyone votes the same the first few weeks target several hg as outcast

3.the mob splits

4.new mob form

5.the mob split

6.thee end


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