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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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So are Dan and Memphis encouraging Keesha to drink whole bottle of wine so they can keep her up in HOH BR for 'sleepover'...If that happens and they evict her Tues, I'm sure Keesh will make sure Dan/Memphis will be busted to their girl friends/beards. Also Keesha can relate the "date rape" scenario to all women in SH (except for April who is no woman, she's just a "gal")...and Jerry can win...hell if they actually did take advantage of her wouldn't BB intercede and give Memphis/Dan an auto eviction, bringing Renny back in for F3 with Keesha/Jerry?

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I want it to be a Keesha/Dan final 2.

I want dan to win regardless, but i'm still not feeling Memphis.

I like him more than Jerry hands down,

but he was my least favorite with the

D/R/K/M connection


I hope he goes in final three making keesha and dan F2.


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Wants going on. Is that there intention??? I am seriously upset about how this is ending with them. Dan & Memphis are really disappointing me. I am crushed that they are going to evict her and keep that asswhole. It would serve them right to have Jerry surprise them and win HOH.

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Vesper, I so hope Jerry wins game if Keesha goes now! I hate how smug Dan and Memphis are! Boring TV!!!

Vesper, IF Dan/Memphis give Keesha this whole bottle of wine she might blackout/blankout. Would BB let them go there?

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GGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........I hate Jerry lasting another eviction and he gets so smug about it !!!

But to be fair .........At least Jerry never stopped fighting.......and Keeesha did the minute she knew she was safe, when Dan & Memphis kept her over Renny.

DAMN IT!!!!! anyone - anybody BUT JERRY!! :giljotiini:

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Northeast, your right about gliding, or feeling safe, but hell that girl saved their asses big time and their not going to take her to the final 3 which I feel she has earned and let her lose in battles. I am pissed and Jerry survives yet again.

Now, how they are talking about him and they are still going to take him. I'm done.

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Keesha is bummed because she really liked Renny. Keesha has a gut feeling they are turning on her sooner rather than later. Whatever you think about Keesha's voice, she has said nothing bad about Jerry (except when he turned on her) and never bad mouthed Renny or plotted to lose Dan or Memphis.

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Not "official" it could change, but they said they won't tell her yet. She''ll be upset. I don't like it at all. There isn't a need for it, so I don't get why they would cut her loose. Who knows maybe they aren't keeping Jerry. But from the sounds of the feeds before she came out of DR tonight, it sounded like they were.

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I agree LenRay. This is a sucky move. I just don't get it. Why make yourselves look bad once again in the eyes of the jury. Why betray another person for no reason? Jerry is the easy out in the eyes of the jury. You aren't going to get brownie points for keeping him in, you aren't a shoe in if you keep him, and you upset another person. Dumb if it happens.

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Dan is Judas. And Memphis is an ungrateful, chubby faced slacker. Living off his GF says it all. I personally think all relationships should be 50/50. If one makes more money than less, maybe 60/40. And Memphis would make an awful house husband. Or father.

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That's so true. She is staying true to JJ and she has done nothing to be ashamed of.

Just seeing how sensitive she is tonight with regards to Jerry after how this man and treated to her face and god she doesn't even know what he said behind her back, she will be absolutley crushed that they do this. There is no reason IMO to take her out now. I am so depressed that they are going to do this. See Memphis doesn't give a shit. He sees dollar signs and thats it. People's feeling are incidental to him. He even said it himself. This girl is going to be crushed.

There may be a slight chance that Dan will talk him out of it. I personally think dan has a little crush on her, but thats just me.

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