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Keesha - Week 9 - Jury Winner!


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I know it is expensive, and gosh thank God we have dental stuff in this country cause I bet it would be sooo painful for your teeth to rot and fall out, my worst fear is false teeth, so boy I am taking care of it for sure,lolol

funny I was talkin to a customer and my cap fell right out on the counter, how embarrassed was I?? lolol My dentist got me a false tooth made in 2 days, but boy is it a pain, I hate it so am looking into the implant thing.

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Is this similar to a cap...I know a lot of old time movie stars had to wear caps to look perfect way back when!

Those caps you speak of were bad mistakes. If something happens to the root then the caps (expensive) have to be removed. They were done without root canals. Today when people get "caps" or what is now called crowns it's usually done after root canal.

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They will only backdoor Keesha if Jerry wins PoV. The boys are working him.

you cannot bd anyone at this point


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i hope either KEESHA (mainly her) or Jerry to win POV. cause then I know Keesh is safe.

Keesha won't be safe if Jerry wins POV. Memphis is convincing Jerry that they are BFF's and going to be F2. Jerry will vote Keesha out as he now believes K/D have a F2 deal. Jerry's stupid. Dan and Memphis are covering their bases.

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I have several crowns, and none of them have root canals. They aren't for cosmetic purposes, they are there because there wasn't enough tooth left to put in new fillings, or because the tooth fractured. They run about $700 now - but only about half out of pocket cause I have dental insurance. Root canals run around $1500.

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the guys gonna eat her for lunch in final three

she may have a slim shot in part 2


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I would find it ironic if with D/M/K F3, the "boys" would be busting their butts they might slip/fall/lose balance giving Keesha the Comp1 win. I'm kind of sick of the Memphis/Dan Bromance. Isn't it about time they bring out the long knives?

Should Memphis decide to keep Jerry over Dan's objections, Memphis would not win big money against D or J.

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