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Memphis - Week 9


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If Memphis agrees to that, then I'm sorry i have to say this, but he deserves to get the boot. I'd be like Hell no put up keesha... too bad that she's crying, she'll get over it... LOL

Just read your post, marty... you got a point. Memphis has got to win that POV!!!

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again it doesnt matter who goes on the block

and like i said in dan thread i figure this would happen if dan was smart about wanting to keep memphis

if he put k/j it opens Pandoras box for keesha to get piss and if she won pov to boot memphis

bb is a game of psychology as well

he cant make it look like he is favoring memphis by keeping him off the block


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It was Dan's idea at first, then Memphis grudgingly agreed, seeing the wisdom. Whoever wins will have his/her ass kissed like no one we've seen this season, and that's saying something!

If Jerry wins POV, he will choose Keesha over Memphis; he thinks Memphis "betrayed" him by forcing Renny to go up and out. If Memphis wins he will probably choose Keesha. I think.

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That's not why at all. On BBAD last night they decided that in order to keep the Renegades secret still and because Dan didn't want to put her on the block after just coming off they both Dan & Memphis thinks its better for Dan to put Memphis up. They both agree it doesn't matter because whomever wins the POV is the deciding vote, so if any of them - Dan, Memphis, or Keesha win POV they will vote out Jerry. They didn't even know she was crying. She never went up to the HOH room after the DR and when she went into the kitchen they called her up. I got the impression that she was sad Renny was gone, plus whatever the DR questions that were asked upset her, plus she was thinking that she was probably going up I think her head is not in the game anymore and the psychology crap is getting the best of her. Maybe, Dan not putting her on the block, it will give her fight back. I personally think after watching her last night she is pretty much done especially since she said to Memphis that whomever is left in the game deserves to win. or something to that affect.

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That's not why at all. On BBAD last night they decided that in order to keep the Renegades secret still

I posted in another thread. With Lenray's post referred to I said they kind of killed their secret alliance when Memphis saved Dan. Why else would he have done that if not for an alliance.

Skreesha is stupid because she lost Renny by Memphis' move and their alliance hurt her alliance.

And I'll say this for the 1000th time..it never matters to Jerry because he came in alone, played alone and will go out alone (either through the front or back door).

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ok what if Jerry wins the pov, them one of them is going?? right??

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I know that and you know that, but being in that house with all the things being done, plus the fact that she still believe that the three of them are in an alliance, she probably is accepting of what is being said. I don't think it really matters anymore, because to me after last night, I think she is done and wants out. She might not say it, but she sure as hell looks like to me that the psychology aspect of this game is really getting to her. This is just my opinion.

Maybe, not being put up on the block and believing that the three of them are working to get Jerry out for it to be the last three will give the fight back. I really don't think it matters, because she cannot to the physical stuff and you know she isn't going to get taken to the final two by either Dan, or Memphis and I think deep down she knows this.

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Jerry making a deal with Memphis. Jerry said if he is the one that goes to the house he guarantees 4 votes for Memphis to win.

Hmmm, so if Memphis wins POV and votes Jerry out, Jerry will get Memphis 4 votes? I think Jerry must have had some brain damage during that Sideways Swan Dive he did into the pool. His brains must be in his nutsack!!!

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Jerry talking to Memphis again and sealing the deal about them saving each other and getting Keesha evicted.

Dan and Keesha up in HOH talking about all the HG and things that have gone down.

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Jerry talking to Memphis again and sealing the deal about them saving each other and getting Keesha evicted.

Memphis has not lied to anyone in the game except Jerry...IMO they're afraid of him and they feel they have to lie now to get ahead. All of them could beat him in a physical comp, but he's been pretty good in the other comps.

They keep complaining about him but they kept him in the game week after week. Now they are paying the price. :animated_rotfl:

Now we pay the price because Skreesha is eating again.

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if jerry wins pov there is no doubt in my mind he will boot memphis

jerry you may fool him once but not twice


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I'd love it if Keesha sent Jerry packing...and then she got sent packing next! Dan and Memphis F2!!!

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