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Monday, September 1st


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That is if they voted Keesha out she would probably try to align with Jerry...since she know Dan and Memp..are tight...

I am bummed though to see Renny go....Standing ova...for Renny...She's one of my Fav...next to Janelle, Dick and Dr. Will and Danielle...Hall of famers in my book.... :grouphug:

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Everybody Loves Raym..... oops, Renny. :wub: Don't count her out yet, but me thinks she is going. On another note has anyone thought - if Jerry goes to final 2 - that they have to spend one whole week with just him?! Gag :drool: The money isn't worth it.

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Boring in the house. There was a poster who said that instead of having sequester that the evicted hgs should remain in the house..I agree.

There's usually some element of plotting left but these hgs are so sure of their suspected outcomes they are all just going along for the ride.

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The biggest nightmare for any/all of them is the POV next week. If Jerry is nominated (pretty sure he will be), and he takes himself off (which of course he would) HE and ONLY HE would vote, so he would decide who goes to the final three and who goes home. The stuff of nightmares I tell you.

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It's going to be a long few weeks...Skeesha has been non stop complaining about how boring it is. Renny believes she is going to be "hounded" by people because she is BB star. Yeah, Renny the papparazzi are going to follow your every move. :rollseyes:

Renny also wants a luxury comp because she thinks she deserves something (before she gets booted?)

Ugghhh, they should all stay home if they can't live with boredom for a few weeks.

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Hey! Maybe that's the twist!! Jerry is Jessie's Greatgrandfather

No, the twist is Angie's mom is Jerry's long lost "love child" from his Korean War era mistress!

Re: Renny's Papparazi...I'll lead the pack. Rather follow Renny around than...Jerry, April, Ollie, Keesha, Memphis, Michelle...Dan, hmmm, that might work too! LOL!!!!

Seriously, I'd love to go to NOLA (after the latest holocaust passes) get a Renny hair cut, hang out with her at Mardi Gras!

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Never thought I'd say it, but I think I miss Heshelle. It's a bit dull in the house right now. Of course, it always gets this way when they have so few people, but Heshelle did liven things up.

:omg: Throw in a little alcohol and put her in the mix tonight with Ren and Keesha, and just sit back and watch :nuke::nuke::nuke:

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It's a scream fest.

Renny asked Skreesha her favorite number and she picked both times and the cards say she is getting married and having a child.

Renny's cards said she is going to have a grandchild soon, but her husband is not taking her on a trip.

I've had to lower the sound.

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Ginger are they into the wine yet? Or has Renny quit her meds.

They sound like they've been drinking, but I think they're just having some girl fun.

They got all excited and used wads of paper towel to clean up a spill of which I think Renny said was coffee.

They have overexerted themselves...they are in bed now.

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Memphis is up and drinking tea or coffee. He's sitting by himself in the living room. He's contemplating his next move and what designer shirt he'll be buying with his winnings.

Lockdown over and they're outside now.

BB gave them a big ass grill.

Watch out Memphis....remember "Revenge of the grill" on Evilette.

Renny: "Damn it, it's a kitchen aid. It's amazing, what a beautiful grill."

They're all excited. Skreesha said "Dan you got it for your birthday."

Then Renny said "It's labor day." They got fireworks and hot dogs and other meat.

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