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Friday, August 29th


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Elle and Marty in BB FAN CAGE match!

Winner take all.... er I mean DAN!

Tickets may be purchased in advance at Ticket Master,reserved seating avaiable.

LMAO gsn! I'm gloving up and going in. Who will back me to squirt water in my mouth and move my bangs out of my eyes? I'm warning you though, I grew up in the ghetto!!! I know how to move to stay alive! ugh the punching...I'm willing to learn!

Memphis can win POV and take Dan off then Jerry can call him Judas for a week

HAHAHHA That's hilarious!

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I don't think anyone at this point will use the PoV to take someone else down.

It would be like throwing votes away.

These people need to start playing for themselves! It's final 5!

Lets say Memphis wins PoV and takes Dan down. Now everyone in the house knows for a fact Dan is in a specific final 2 alliance with Memphis and they lose Jerry, Keesha and Rennies vote on top of the votes they already don't have in the jury house.

The same goes with Renny and Keesha.

People need to stop playing for their little alliances and start playing for themselves. Why put yourself out there for someone else this late in the game?

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Yeah but by putting up Keesha he has made an enemy of Keesha and Renny so how could he think he'd be safe with them either?

I dunno, if Dan comes down and Memphis goes up with Jerry the tiebreaker vote, I think he'd vote out Keesha. No one can win against Renny so Keesha would be gone and then all the guys would need to do next week is one of them win PoV and get rid of Renny. Then the three guys are set and they should both figure they can get out Jerry (and even if they can't a lot of people in the jury house don't like Jerry so they must figure he'd be OK to take along if he somehow, someway wins HoH at the final 3)

Next week is a crap shoot because whoever wins veto is in power. HoH means nothing next week so really, Jerry shouldn't be worried about the fact he can't be HoH next week.

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This POV is one of the most important one in the game so far. Here is my idea,

If Renny wins POV,

Renny takes off Keesha and Memphis will be put up. Memphis goes home.

If Memphis wins POV,

Memphis takes off Dan and Renny be put up. Renny goes home.

If Dan wins POV,

Dans gets off and I think Renny gets put up.(If Jerry has a deal with Memphis and trust him.)Renny goes home.

But if Memphis is put up, I think it will be a tie vote and Jerry will send home Memphis in that case.

If Keesha wins POV,

Keesha gets off and Renny or Memphis put up. If Renny up, dan goes home. If Memphis up, he goes home.

If Jerry wins POV,

He keeps the nom the same and I think it might be DAn going.

I hope Jerry does not get a tie vote. I do know what he will do. I hope Dan wins.

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If Memphis does win PoV and IF he takes Dan off the block. Keesha will go home, imo. I don't see Dan voting to keep Keesha over Renny. We know Memphis will vote out Renny but, Jerry will break the tie in Renny's favor. imo

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renny is too likable to keep

and both guys know she is a wildcard

they both vote out renny in a heart beat


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