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Jerry - Week 8


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Jerry is too happy this morning. I'm thinking Dan didn't win it but Memphis who promised Jerry he wouldn't use the POV if he won.

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Slim very true..But he can rattle off a BLUE streak behind their back!!!

Didn't someone tell him yestereday that BBAD, and feeds wouldn't be edited before the other house guests watched them??

Seems after he heard that, he calmed his out of contact diatribes about people slowed down,and he seemed a little concerned that they were going to be able to see his rancid ,expletive rants about them! Or maybe he just didn't have a willing audience ,Ollie and Michelle?

Or did I just imagine all that?? :animated_rotfl:

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OK, Jerry is from Magnolia, Tex. Is that near Dallas or Houston. If Houston, that hurricane could go there, so couldn't they tell Jerry and let him leave (hope it hits no where bad, but don't wan't NOLA hit either).

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Jerry trying to talk Memphis into keeping Renny. Memphis isn't buying it.

Not 20 minutes ago Renny was mouthing off to Memphis. She would try her hardest to get Memphis out. He has to put Renny up.

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Jerry is too happy this morning. I'm thinking Dan didn't win it but Memphis who promised Jerry he wouldn't use the POV if he won.

I'm wondering if Jerry is surprised that Memphis is contemplating saving Dan. He must have realized they were close and and must have been plotting.

One thing about Jerry is he played this game by himself and had no real protection or confidante to trust so in my book, he's come a long way on his own.

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jerry worst nightmare occur and that was memphis winning pov

i am upset with myself because i should have knew as predictable as bb is that memphis was gonna win pov

i was thinking dan but it made more sense drama wise for memphis to win


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what conspiracy i just said i thought dan would win


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I just have to say... I really hope Jerry does NOT win AC because his little "Dan would have sold his soul", blah blah blah is just uncalled for. I know its Jerry's game play, but still. I hope they kick him out on his ass next week. A Memphis/Keesha/Dan F3 would be fun because we would have no clue who would actually win the final HOH. Keesha is smarter and quicker than she lets on.

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both guys would kick keesha butt in the final 3 wouldnt even be close


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I really hope Jerry does NOT win AC because his little "Dan would have sold his soul", blah blah blah is just uncalled for. I know its Jerry's game play, but still. I hope they kick him out on his ass next week.

I can see jerry easily winning AC the way he has been portrayed on the CBS network show,unfortunately!

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I agree gsn because I watch only the show and I have not seen all the gross things people who see the feeds have. I believe the people with feeds but if you don't see and hear bad things coming from his mouth with your own eyes and ears, It's kind of hard to hate him.

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