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To bad julie didn't give him more of a heads up than we have the internet!

Wish she would have said, oh on the internet, America can see EVERYTHING Ollie, and I mean EVERYTHING! Then give him a wink! :animated_rotfl:

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I missed last night's show.....will have to watch it on-line. Sooooo happy Ollie is out of there. I also hope when April hears how stupid Ollie was about thinking he was running HOH without winning it will make her think twice about wanting him for a boyfriend. But again April is pretty stupid herself.

jmho :pixiedust:


I am thrilled that Ollie got gone but I have to say that he conducted himself well last night with Julie. had he acted like that inside the house perhaps the outcome would have been different. Not that I believed him but hey, he was ok. I think he is in for the rude awakening with our April.


me either



LOL, sonoerin! I was thinking that when Michelle asked the DR if she had 'stupid' written on her forehead. Yes, Michelle. You do. And the big 'L' right under it!


Anyone know if Dan gave Ollie back is manhood before he raced out the door? He's gonna need that when he gets to the jury house for his romps with April...isn't he?

Or...maybe he can borrow some of Manchelle's...:giggle:

Anyone know if Dan gave Ollie back is manhood before he raced out the door?

HOllie's "manhood has just left the building." I guess I got it all right when I started calling him HOllie.


I'm glad he's gone....what a sore looser...did he learn that from Ape...........

he had absolutely no game or opinions of his own from day one..........

Ok, I feel better now....Very Glad he's outta there.................


honestly i wonder how much differently he would have played without april and libra

i say libra also because i think she kinda punked him a little in the beginning



I don't think Ollie could have played any better no matter what...............IMO, he's too lazy to be a player........he'd be happy laying in bed all day while some chick goes out and supports him........just like he did in the house........after April was gone, he was hoping Michelle would get him to the end


i think he may have

strong woman punk some guys but the guys arent punked around other males hg

i dont know how to explain it but it happens




If you recall when April knew she was actually leaving ,she told ollie to hook onto Michelle, she knew he couldn't get there on his own.

Unfortunately for Ollie, April was WRONG thinking that Michelle wouldn't ever put him up,(she probabaly wouldn't have)and that Michelle would protect him, she forgot who the hell was gonna protect Michelle?.April also obviously underestimated how much the house had figured that Michelle was playing both sides,and was a strong competitor,so she needed to be gone!

Rather than let Ollie play his own game after she was gone, she gave him marching orders,ally with michelle, priority ONE work to send kessha ,and dan out.

Had Ollie tried to work something out with the other side post april ,he might have gone farther,one will never know. But in the end Ollie didn't play his game this season,he continued Aprils game until he was evicted!

Poor Ollie attaching himself to women who did him in, in the END!!! :animated_rotfl:

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