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Memphis - Week 8


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memphis has final two deal with all of final four dan, jerry, keesha


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I said that yesterday,Memphis made F2 with all ,dan,keesha,and jerry, The only one he didn't have a deal with is renny!

I may be wrong ,but I'm not so sure Memphis has decided who or what F2 hewill honor JMO

Memphis also didn't tell Dan about his deal with Jerry yesterday,if he were snowing jerry why wouldn't he have let dan in on the conversation.

I think it might be overly optimistic,to think at this point, Memphis will in fact ,without a doubt, use the POV on dan!


For sure Memphis needs Renny gone. The only one he does not have F2 with. I don't think the one he made with Keesha was more then just Memphis calling it and was not really cemented by Keesha.


i respect memphis game a little he is basically in an underhanded way telling jerry he would use pov to get renny on block

and jerry as stubborn as he is must see that memphis is making sense

if renny makes final two she wins money by default not by good gameplay



memphis as much as i knock him

if he got to final two

i would say he is deserving

this guy always have a alliance everyweek



memphis gameplay> dan



Lol you don't have to keep apologizing to me. I wish the first 3 out were the final 3.

I think Keesha has played the best game of them all at this point. She's been behind every single eviction without people fingering her. I may not be a fan but it's a good game.


i havent been a memphis fan because of his lack of gameplay

but for him to still be in game is amazing after he won the car

keesha if memphis ditch her in the end for dan

i will find it appropriate :lol:

every time memphis back is against wall the hg have bailed him out

he has final 3 deal with everyone and none of them are bright enough to compare notes



Depends on how it breaks down with the HoH and PoV wins next week. If either Dan/Memphis/Keesha have the HoH and one of them has PoV. Jerry is gone and it's a no brainer.

BUT, if not... Believe me... they'll all compare notes and find out he has F2 deal with all of them. The only person that information could change their mind though is Jerry.

I think Memphis only real alliance is Dan and I do think both of them will take each other to the F2, if they have the chance.


I don't know if Memphis can win with any of them in the final two because he did win the car (and April will remind everyone in the jury house about that). But, I think his best chance is with Dan because Dan ticked everyone off....

But, even with a Dan/Memphis final 2, Dan will probably win because the jury may respect his game play and Memphis already won the car (they don't know that Dan already won money).


even for all the bs and silliness that Dan has done in this game , if he is standing with Mempiss at the end, I would be rootin for Dan like a mo fo, I hate Memphis, and respect nothing about him, he is a lazy self important slob, with no social skills whatsoever, he thinks he is all that but he is not, so I would love to see him get 2nd if he gets to F2


I wonder if Memphis will win.. I know it seems like he could but something Michelle said on Housecalls about Memphis throwing HOH's made me think they might not respect that come time to vote for a winner...

Memphis looked after Memphis and I don't know if some people will think that is good gameplay or not

( I know he played a good game... so don't all beat me over the head at once... I'm just throwing out ideas)


I think Dan is the best person to take to the final 2 no matter who you are (If you want a chance at winning). I think that's why Dan made that pov move, he wants to be the one people take...it may mean he won't get the big prize, but who knows how the jury will vote in the end?


Even dan in his blog admitted the POV roulette was a BIG mistake/blunder!

I'm fairly certain if he had a DO OVER ,that part of his HOH would be cut out! :animated_rotfl:


I'm the only person in the BB world liking memphis but that's okay. I think if you play really, really hard and win a bunch of comps and still don't win the big one then the person who beat you played a better game whether they won a bunch of comps or played real hard or sat on their ass the whole time.

Que sera, sera


The person who wins is always the best player IMO.

It doesn't matter how they got there (it does if you are talking in terms of character and morals) but last man standing is always the winner.

So if Nicodemis had voted for her brother to win, Cowboy would have been the best player that year?

i thought she voted for him



No, she hated his guts and she liked Drew better. I thought she would suck it up because he was her brother, but I was wrong. Diane was stupid for voting for Drew after he booted her to the curb, but that was at least predictably desperate.

Cowboy is Exhibit A of how possible it is for somebody to win just because they are a complete moron, get dragged along for the ride because they are no threat, and then win at the end if they ended up with somebody that is hated.

... I also think I got the name wrong, I think her name was Nakomis. That's Exhibit A for not giving yourself a stupid name.

... I found the results on Wikipedia, you are right, Nakomis did vote for Cowboy. I could have sworn she didn't. Oh well, I guess that's Exhibit A for getting your facts straight before calling other people stupid. :P


On Memphis' death, he wants to be a brass or stainless-steel or white-gold statue. It's got to be an air-tight statue. In response to a likening to King TuT, he vehemently stressed that he doesn't "want to be any kind of damn mummy". He seemed to prefer the comparison to the Statue of Liberty, although I'm fairly positive no-one is entombed within her.

Edit: And for those of you wondering, there was no further mention of pirates during this discussion. :outfitted_pirate:


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