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Keesha - Week 8


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The guys would be fools to not get Renny out now.

If Renny won the next POV would evict one of the guys. Memphis or Dan (they don't know which one)

Renny has all the jury votes.

Renny did really well on that first endurance and is a lot better at endurance then Keesha.

How does that make the guys stupid to evict Renny???

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I think Dan and Memphis are smart... Renny is a wild card.. she will win if she gets into the F2... she has always been a wildcard and constantly said she didn't trust Memphis and has gone off on Dan a few times..

Keesha, yes she has won some comps and such.... but she will blindly follow and believes Memphis is taking her to the final 2.. so she could throw the final comp.....

It's a crapshoot.. but I think I'd aim to get rid of Renny too

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Memphis just now telling Keesha she is safe and final 2. He just asks that she not vote him out. He wants that security.

Keesha telling Memphis she trusts him but not Dan. If she only know that Memphis had F2 with Jerry, her and Dan.

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Just watch.

I already predicted Keesha wins BB10 so this isn't a stretch for me.

If Renny leaves this week it is assured that Keesha wins.

I'm sorry, once again I don't go by wild cards or what ifs. I know for a fact Renny is not as good in comps as Keesha. I've seen it with my own eyes.

Thus I go by what science and percentages tell me, who do I have a better chance beating in the final 4 and final 3 so that I CAN CONTROL THE GAME. Me, not someone else.

At the end it is VERY important to control comps, IE the final PoV and the final HoH. The person who wins those has control of the game 100%. I know I can beat Renny more easily than Keesha, thus Keesha goes.

Anyway, Renny is a wild card? Heh, so is Keesha. She's just as nutty as Renny and liable to go off at the drop of a hat for the littlest things like perceiving someone disrespected her by saying "we'll talk later".

For me, it's all about what I see in front of my face and the averages. I'm not saying people who play the "what if" scenarios are wrong, I'm just saying I believe in playing the percentages because as long as you do that in anything in life you will come out a winner more often than not.

Simple question for those who don't get what I'm saying. Please answer it in a factual way in regards to what has already happened this year.

Who has a better chance at winning PoV next week and HoH next week, Renny or Keesha.

Question number 2, is winning the PoV next week and the HoH in the final week not the two most important positions in the house?

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he'll be in the finals unless Keesha and Dan compare notes LMAO

for some reason this year hg

dont do that until it is too late or they are evicted


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I think Keesha is really upset because Renny is her 100% for sure safety in the game and she knows she is leaving. She wanted both Renny and Memphis as her F2.

Keesha does not have a F2 with Dan.

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April will never give Memphis her or Ollie's vote because MEMPHIS WON THAT #@%# CAR!!!! Libra will vote Keesha over Memphis. Renny will vote Keesha over Memphis. Don't think Dan would do any better against Keesha. IMO.

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April will never give Memphis her or Ollie's vote because MEMPHIS WON THAT #@%# CAR!!!!

you havent been watching feeds

april said she give memphis money over danand keesha

Renny SOOOO knows Keesha is lying ... she knows


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Who would April and Ollie support if F2 is Dan and Keesha?

who knows but i say they give it to keesha due to renny putting in some good words for her

but its a tossup really


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Keesha emotional and saying to Renny one of us is going home. Renny said why would you think it was you? Keesha said she asked Memphis and just got the run around.

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keesha is bold face lying to renny

and renny see it


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yall keep saying Keesha is Emotional, over and over and over and over again.. like a broken record...

So what? i dont understand whats the point of repeating that... make her a bad person? no..Shouldnt give her the money cause of it?no... Hurt her game? hasnt so far

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i think keesha wont get renny vote in the end if she keeps this up


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yall keep saying Keesha is Emotional, over and over and over and over again.. like a broken record...

So what? i dont understand whats the point of repeating that... make her a bad person? no..Shouldnt give her the money cause of it?no... Hurt her game? hasnt so far


ummm Keesha just told Renny that she is going to be emotional all week.

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keesha is a lose lose situation with regards to telling renny that memphis told her that he is using veto to evict renny

if she tells her renny will be nasty to the guys and cause fights until she is evicted

she is already starting this behavior

if she doesnt tell renny and keesha reach end

the one out dan and memphis that goes to jury house

renny will pester them to find out if keesha knew beforehand that renny was leaving


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