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Renny - Week 9


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Renny is trying to work it in her own little way. She's in the kitchen with Jerry, asking him if he wants eggs, when he mentioned being up late drinking beer with the guys she said something like they sure are working it, or are they working it already?

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Renny up in HOH selling out Keesha. She keeps telling Jerry that the other 3 have a strong alliance. She tells Jerry he made a wise decision. Renny is really working Jerry.

I guess Dan and Keesha are the only ones that did not try to throw everyone under the bus in the HOH talk with Jerry.

Renny telling Jerry again that they were all going to throw her under the bus. She is trying to get a deal with Jerry.

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renny is speaking the truth


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Jerry is making it sound like Keesha threw renny under the bus! What an a**hole he is.

I feel bad for Dan.

Renny is doing a number on him as well as Keesha.

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Ha, Jerry telling Renny he feels bad they took advantage of her, cooking and everything.....don't recall seeing Jerry down there helping her in the kitchen, or doing his dishes. Telling her he never talked bad about her or anyone in the game. Renny kissing up to Jerry. I lost some love for Renny.

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Jerry is getting mushy with Renny saying how he felt bad for her doing all the cooking and stuff down there. Jerry said when she walks out people are going to cheer her. They are both playing the the tough old people card.

He also said he has never said anything bad about anyone.

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Why is he telling Renny that Keesha threw her under the bus.

Why does Jerry Like Memphis???

Memphis is the most untrustworthy of the four.

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Told Renny she was Keeshas puppet. She gave Keesha all her power. Wow. Renny just sitting there letting him talk down to her that way.

Renny in hippie room crying, Keesha, crunch munch, munch, munch, lip smack, munch, munch. Who gave this girl chex mix? Telling Renny, I won't throw you under the bus. I didn't talk bad about anyone. Nobody. Crunch, munch, munch, lip smack, munch. Renny is silent.

Maybe she feels bad because she just did it to her.

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Why does Jerry Like Memphis???

He doesn't like Memphis, but Jerry knows he can beat him for first prize if the chance arises.

What happened to it's just a game? It is and I don't think any of these people like eachother. Skreesha and Memphis have been snakes from day one.

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so for the very first time in the game Renny steps up and does her thing and gets caled out for it?? She has been in Keeshas cornor since the beginning, it is every man for him or herself, Keesha has already let it be known she would indeed think of herself first if it came down to that, so I think what Renny said or did in Jerry's hoh is just fine.

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In the HOH room this morning, Keesha told Jerry that Renny is the last person she would like to see leave the house.

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prolly so bored that she can't help but jazz herself up, it always makes you feel good to dress up and fox out,lol

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