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Monday, August 25th


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I am not sure, but around here I thought they were sayin after 12 noonish, I don't have the feeds. I am relying on this board for my info,lol

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I know Dan is trying to cover his own a**, but really... grow a pair, tell Ollie that he decided to pick his own PoV replacement and put Michelle up on the block.

All this extra drama he is creating is worse than just saying "this is a game" and then dealing with the outcome.

He spent the entire season so far hiding and laying low and for his first stand up act he's going to shoot himself right in the face with a bazooka!??!

Unbelieveable!!!! :confused:

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I was reading your update in the live updates and i so agree, it is time to take the gloves off, quit pussy footin around and just spit it out, and say sorry but this is it, gotta do what I gotta do, too bad ,so sad, etc, you know what I mean He could get plenty of Drama for TV by just bein a bitch about it,lol, he does not have to throw his so called alliance under the bus while getting his drama.

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Why so much FOTH right now! grrrrrrrr

ollie said f word

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no he said it again

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