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Renny - Week 7


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Age: 54

Hometown: New Orleans, LA

Occupation: Beauty Salon Owner

Marital Status: Married


You turned into a lunatic while HoH... good thing for you there are bigger fish to fry right now.

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agree but should be


imho dan is afraid of her

thats only reason i can see him not putting her on block

i dont care if he sweared on bible

he has proven he will lied when need be


lol she campaign for that money


Renny is probably ok out of the BB house. Kinda strange, though. I can see her holding court in a beauty salon. The age differences are glaring. That accounts for some of her behaviour, possibly. I still wonder why she has latched on to keesha so strongly and hasn't a clue that Keesha would throw her under the streetcar in a heartbeat.


Wow, Renny's thread is so quiet this week. I'd say she's in a pretty good place to make at least final 3! Go Renny!

I still wonder why she has latched on to keesha so strongly and hasn't a clue that Keesha would throw her under the streetcar in a heartbeat.

Just another naive hg...geesh, I wish she actually gets to finish a thought/sentence before she gets the boot.


Renny's latched onto Dan pretty tightly now too...the bickering back and forth between them is very endearing rather than real aggravation. I think if push came to shove...Dan would have a harder time voting Renny out than he would voting out Keesha or Memphis. Keesha is fake...she would drop Renny in a heartbeat..act like she's sad and sorry...but inside she's dead...a real cold fish. Memphis could vote anyone out at anytime and not give a crap...but he made that crystal clear when the game started that he had /showed no emotions.

I'm not sure if she'll make final 3...depends who has the 1 vote to keep her/evict her at F4....if she survivies double eviction. Even though Memphis is my favorite player...I'd much rather see a Dan/Renny F2...they're most deserving imo.


i see renny getting boot after when ollie leaves

and keesha dan memphis taking jerry to final 4


renny is a pest to keesha

keesha knows going with renny ideas will cost her the game

keesha is content to go to end with memphis and dan

renny knows she is gonna be odd woman out

i find it funny that even thou renny know she is screwed she wont try to team up with oj

lack of gameplay sucks


she wants to play game but keesha wont let her

keesha wants dan and memphis around to the end

renny doesnt

renny has no gameplay so she follow keesha lead

renny doesnt

She has had a chance to do something about it, but didn't. Renny things she's so smart (or wants us to believe it) but she's not; not as longs as she follows Skreesha around.


Renny is really working on Keesha today. They have talking about being the only 2 woman left in the house and they have to watch out for Dan and Memphis because they will be dumped.

Renny just told Keesha that there is a lot of stuff that she doesn't know about her. She has suffered a lot of grief in her life. She won't say it now because she doesn't want to tell America just for pity. I think it is something I think Renny is going to bring it out later for sympathy and the America's Choice.

She just went over to whisper in Keesha's ear the tragedy she suffered and the feeds went to FOTH.


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