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This comp is made for Michelle.imo Damn.


I'm so torn. I want Mitchelle to win for prediction points but then again I want Jerry to win for the annoying factor. It would be great watching the hg do some ass kissing instead of Jerry for a change.


With a double eviction next week, it will be very interesting. I dislike Michelle so much.


me too Joy, between her and Memphis, they are my worst,lol I did not like however how Memphis threw a balloon in her face, not nice.


BB should not have allowed thowing stuff.


She almost broke her own record.LMAO The girl has a mouth on her.


Michelle has a nasty mouth on her.


Michelle is so two faced. You never know who she will hate next.


Michelle thinks Memphis has her back and Ollie. I wish they would put her ass up.


Michelle is the only one who is probably safe this week.


Michelle is scary looking after her shower. She's sitting outside with a hood on and looks like a monster.


Hope Dan nom Michelle and we all see Michelle is Amber's Sister lol When she looses it and crys lol(o wait she already has)


Say what you want about Michelle but she is playing both sides so incredibly well! She's got the girls thinking that she's with them and Ollie thinking she's his BFF. Memphis thinks his original alliance with her is still strong and Dan has made a deal to keep her in the game thanks to Ollie. I am not a Michelle fan but she is doing a great job dodging the bullet and having others help her on her way.

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