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Is America Going To Vote For The Winner?


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Ok, I think I have figured out the twist...

Julie has been saying back to the basics. In BB1 the evictions and winner were chosen by the public. I think that the public will have ONE of the jury votes or maybe all of them. The reason for the picture frame without a persons face on the memory wall is the public's vote. Does this make sense to anyone but me? :animated_scratchchin:


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would be interesting

I think the reason America has issues with voting,is because the majority only see the CBS network show.

So it is basically a vote of/for the producers of the show. As they can spin /edit to make anyone of them look either bad or good.

I think people who watch just the CBS,alot of times have a different perspective than people who watch the feeds,or even from people who don't watch the feeds ,but watch BBAD in conjunction with the CBS show

just my opinion

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What I have a problem with when they have America's vote they have the vote bot machines that you can log on to that vote 24/7 for who your choice it. It is a cheating machine.

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we haven't seen a sequester house as of yet,who knows maybe there isn't one? just saying

we have rampant conspiracy/twist issues here,and we don't have any excuse, we have outside stimuli unlike the LAB RATS! :animated_rotfl:

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the frame in the house means nothing

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I feel like allowing us to select the winner sort of defeats the real joy of the show. We are aware of so many of the twists, turns and subplots, that we might pick solely on a popularity contest kind of thing.

The really best players (maybe the most deserving winner) are the ones who can get away with the backstabbing and come out relatively unscathed. The superior game player should win based upon their ability to survive within the house. Most of the public will only vote based on who they like the best based upon what they've seen of the show via whatever means they keep up with it.

The winner should be determined by how they're perceived by the other HG's . . . . . IMHO

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I agree sonoerin...especially about how most of the public votes based on who they like...not necessarily the most deserving due to good game play. It should be left up to the jury. I doubt that it will be an issue anyway...I don't think America will get a vote...and I dont think there will be any big twists to come still this season. The twist is...there are no twists! Poor Mancelle...she'll be so disappointed...:crybaby:

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The twist is...there are no twists

OH!!!!! I agree 100%! I've just sat here and laughed my butt off over how much drama has been added by the lack of a "twist"!!!! It has dominated SO much of their thinking the past couple of weeks. And Michelle has been relentlessly stupid about the whole thing.

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"America" won't vote for the winner, UNLESS one of the jurors quits.

With 7 jurors, having America vote too could screw things up by causing a 4-4 tie, for no reason.

As for the "extra" picture frame, that is exactly what it is... EXTRA, from previous years, when they had more houseguests.

(Last year, they started with 16, remember - even though 2 were booted before the first episode aired, leaving 14, which is the same number as the amount of picture frames on the memory wall. Mystery solved.)

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bb could allow hg to cancel out a vote

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In the beginning America did vote, I think every week on who was evicted and at the end, so if they are going back to basics then some how America will or could be involved. As far as the way the show is slanted. I watch the cbs show, and I have showtime, this year I am not watching the feeds, this season is just waaayy too boring to have the feeds, for me any way. But I do see a big difference the way the show is edited from what I see on the After Dark, but just because I am not a live feed watcher this season does not mean I am not getting a CLEAR view of what is goin on, and that I could not throw in a vote based on what I have seen on bothe the CBS show, the After Dark and from what I get here at Morty's.

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I guess my point was most of Ameica doesn't come to Mortys' (sorry),

most don't watch BBAD, and certainly most don't watch the 24/7 feeds,so they would base their vote on what they see on CBS Sunday,Tuesday,and Thursday.And that definately is slanted by the producers of the show, and the way they edit!

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I think America will vote. After watching these last couple days coupled with all the past contestants that came back for the food challenge, I am beginning to think that BB10 is encompassing all the pass twist in its game. AP gets a vote, having AP player (Dan), having two house guest past, or present related in some way, a couple- my guess right now is Memphis & Michelle, or even Jesse & Michelle. He is protesting to much of her craziness to the point of overkill, plus the fact that in BB after dark they were both called into the DR together. That was never done until the couples BB. I think with the back to the basics and the era themed rooms, I think they took a little piece of past history with this show and is having it all played out in BB10. What does everyone think????

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vesper, I think it sounds intriguing, and could be with some of it, but a little far fetched, I do think somehow America will have some kind of input. I think more and more that lots of America are not just watching the CBS show. BB has become a sort of cult classic and after all these seasons I am sure not every one in America is just watching the CBS show and that is it. I know the people I know that watch this show are die hard fans and have both the feeds and Showtime, one or both, and come to a BB board, maybe not Morty's, but they go somewhere for exta information, so America I do believe is schooled enough to make a vote not just from watching the CBS version of the show. I mean I loverd BB from the git, and when I went in search of more info on this show, waaayyy back , I found Morty's, so I cannot be the only one who indeed loves this show enough to go in search of extra info, more people than we think watch both Showtime and have the feeds. I still think that BB pic frame has some sort of meaning,lol

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It is a little far fetched. I guess paranoia, LOL is setting in with me as well. I just think some things with some of these people are off - especially memphis sudden need to express her craziness to anyone in his alliance a 100x's they have a conversation. Just an observation. I can be sooooooooooo off, but that behavior coupled with a couple of other things got me to wonder.

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