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Sunday 8/17 Show


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Guest TheBlackRose

i live in NH

but watch it on UPN 38 they have all the CBS shows on tonight on

check it out


Sunday is a bad night for BB because of delays of sports and postponements. Thursday nights are sports nights too.

I like the show but could care less about watching it if it's on 1 am or later.


Thanks very much Blackrose i can DVR it.

i just came home from spending 3 days in NH(white mountains) the weather was gorgeous where I was!

Guest TheBlackRose

thats awesome! i love it up there. i went up to twin mountain a couple weeks ago it was gorgeous!

i was so sad when it wasnt on so i channel surfed and found it


Check 1 am - 3am.

In NYC, (like last Thursday) when they have football they air it in that later timeslot.

If you DVR, TiVo or tape it...always allow for at least an hour over (if the game runs long).

Guest TheBlackRose

your welcome

no problem


Thank you so much!! Sure do appreciate.


i am lucky dolphins game was yesterday

but even so i never miss bb because cbs show it on its sister station


Tonight was the funniest episode ever. I friggen loved how they were teasing April about her stuffed poodle, Holly. Omg, when she freaked out saying, "Holly can't swim" or "but I can't put her in the dryer after she's been in the hot tub" I nearly died laughing. It was totally cute!

Then Ollie's freak out over the birds...omg, it was too funny.

Great episode!


The show was so funny last night. The Ollie with the birds and wacky Renny looking for pawns. Loved the show!


Well, I figured they'd show the Ollie and April love story this week in case one of them leaves. That's probably why BB hasn't shown them having sex or anything, because Ollie and April have never really been in danger of leaving, and therefore BB has more time to wait to show how close Ollie and April are.


It was like Ollie was playing for the camera about the crows but he really hates birds. The dude is missing a few.


IF that segment with Ollie was the real thing and he wasn't just doing that for the cameras he has a phobia about birds. Heck, I have my phobias too but I wouldn't want somebody to say I was missing a few because of them. Just sayin.....

It looked to me like Renny's emotions starting steering her once she became HOH. I know that happens to all of them. Regardless she really screwed up by asking all those in her alliance to be a pawn. That puts doubt in their minds and they will not want to take her very far. She was worried about making enemies with too many people but ended up making more enemies than she realizes.

I was shocked how easily they were able to eat those crickets. I guess they hate slop so bad they're willing to do whatever it takes to not have to eat the stuff, lol


As said in the ollie thread. Ollie developed his fear of birds after seeing the movie The Birds, made by "ALPERT hitchcock", his words,too damn funny! :animated_rotfl:


I have phobia's as well. Not something I'm happy about but what can ya do. My comment about Ollie was about him in general. He's a waste of space.


imho it was all for show

if someone was truly afraid of birds they go inside

when i was younger i was afraid of fake bird minature


Joyami - a waste of space for sure. I say the HG's feed Ollie to the birds instead of voting him out. :clap:

I was shocked how easily they were able to eat those crickets. I guess they hate slop so bad they're willing to do whatever it takes to not have to eat the stuff, lol

omg Moxie, I'm so glad you reminded me of that. That was hilarious seeing Jerry gagging on the slop and Memphis' reaction, "like the dude has been on slop for 4 weeks, shove it in Jerry!" I couldn't watch the near vomit parts because that was just too much, but holy cow it was some funny stuff.


Yesterday, Sunday, was the day I heard one of the HG's repeat what they were told off camera, that "Production is Everything"! As a BB fan, it's kinda of a bummer,from the conspiracy theory pt of view.


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