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Twist Info Can This Be True


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I googled for twist info just to see what would come up and this is what I found did any one see or hear about this this twist?

Alli Grodner was quoted on BB9 finale night as saying "you will love it" regarding the twist of BB10. I know that I can't speak for all of you, but as a diehard Big Brother fan, I can say with complete honesty that she was telling the truth. This twist has been held very close to the vest and as a result it's too risky to leak it all (I know, I'm sorry!) but I can tell you this much: it twist involves mirrors and a "disappearing room."

The houseguests went into sequester sometime this past weekend. I haven't been told why it's such an early sequester. I didn't think to ask, but I'm assuming that the more detailed promos are about to begin airing...

As for the houseguests, the only information I know is that none of them are contestants from previous seasons, and there is a wide age range between all of them. I've heard that there's even a contestant in their 60's, but that's unsubstantiated. Anyway, the wide age range goes right along with the this year's theme of the house, which is essentially that each room has been decorated to look like it comes from a different decade/era. I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard it looks great and is very camera friendly.

Alright, that's pretty much all, everyone. Good luck trying to figure out the twist! You might think you have it figured out, but it's really more complex than it seems and I bet you'll never guess it. Have fun trying, though!

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Twist ?

I know a lot of the HG's think since it's BB TEN ... that there's still a BIG TWIST coming.

Seems like it's kinda late - - - and if there is one (besides Dan being AP) ... CBS hasn't

given any hints that I know of. Have they been subliminal ?

hmmmm ????

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I know I was wondering if we missed something and why that one photo frame is empty. It would be a good twist possibly but it does seem kind of late to do something like that. I also don't remember hearing anything about the twist at the end of season 9.

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I always hoped that they would do that...where the evicted HGs would live in another house and that would be the real BB game...idk. I think it would be kind of redundant and unfair though.

As for this twist, I think it's unlikely. AG seems like she would do anything for ratings and this twist, like all the others would have been blown up and pimped out by now in hopes to rope in more viewers. The fact that it's been this long and we haven't heard about it, means there probably isn't one.

I also recall Julie saying how they've "gone back to the basics" and how there wouldn't be twists this year. But then again, she said that BEFORE AP came back...even if it was only for the week.

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I think the twist is that everyone in the house is related to a previous HG.

I told my sister that after week 2, and she's starting to believe it too.

Keesha, works at Hooters, like a certain other girl who looks like she could be her cousin from season 8.

Michelle HAS to be related to seahag from season 8 as well, or Nicole from s2.

Jerry is Adam's uncle from s9. haha

Jessie is Hardy from s2 'partner'.

Renny is s3 Amy's aunt.

Memphis is Boogie's bro.

I haven't figured them all out yet...


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i am lost

i thought info would be about a current upcoming twist

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Ok, my friends. For years elsewhere online I have been dubbed the "Daytime Psychic" by friends. I Figure out what's what weeks before other daytime drama fans. What can I say, it's a gift!.....Anyway, my tealeafs tell me....



I have posted 1,007 times since July 12, 2008...don't count on other shows before...and Zach, BB8, please don't hit on me for investment in your stupid inventions, OK"

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Here's what I think it is: there is no jury house. The houseguests that get evicted have their own pad built flush with the BB house and can walk behind the walls observing everything. The "disappearing room" is one of the bedrooms that gets closed as per usual but the sequestered houseguests stay there. The "mirrors" refers to their ability to watch the current houseguests through them.

Just a wild guess. It would be pretty cool though.

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Ok, I'm new to posting.......so don't beat me up if I screw this up, pretty please...... it's seem too late for any twists but I did enjoy your idea Brains.....the jury house somehow being able to see everything that goes on. They wouldn't necessarily have to be on site either....they could be watching them via feeds. But, I also heard JC say that they were "going back to basics". The twists never seem to brillant to me anyway. :animated_scratchchin:

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Keesha, works at Hooters, like a certain other girl who looks like she could be her cousin from season 8

Don't be getting my hopes up like this old...it hurts

Ok, I'm new to posting.......so don't beat me up if I screw this up, pretty please

How DARE you think you can come post here!

Just kidding...Welcome to Keeshaland!!!

I mean Morty's

seriously though we all love Keesha here


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Don't tell anyone, but, I like Keesha too! I don't know why she is so unpopular. Now, do I think she is gonna win......not really. She has played too emotionally (they have all been that way) and I think that the Dan/Memphis Alliance may be using her to take to the end.....but, what do I know?

Thanks for the welcomes........I appreciate it! :animated_wave:

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Well, I'm not feeling passionate about anyone in the house, haha. I should say that Keesha is one of the people that doesn't annoy me as much as say Jerry-atric, Manchelle, Renny (when off her meds......I liked her a lot before she got HOH and screwed up the noms!). After April said "Keesha is just jealous of me cause I'm prettier"......and I watch Ollie almost choke.....I swear I thought I saw a thought bubble pop up that said "Woman are you crazy????".....Keesha moved up in class.....Just telling it like I sees it. Passion.....not so much! :rockon:

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