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April - Week 6


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So happy there is a good chance that Ape-o-maniac may finally be going but I'm almost afraid to post a "negative" about any player as I fear the producers use that vibe to skew the game in the favor of the most despised for ratings. At first I thought Jessie had the biggest ego on record but Ape has outdone herself as well. Michelle too.

Why do any of these moronics think it's any other player's job to help THEM win????? Isn't it every person for themself? Notice this happens on Survivor too.

I was trying to root for Renny and/or Dan but that's getting harder to justify with each passing day too.

Looking forward to season's end when Ape/Ollie have to 'splain their behavior to their families and legions of pervy "fans".

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BBAD April and Michelle were told by Keessha that before libra left, Libra told keesha that April ,Ollie,Michelle,and Jesse formed and allaince,and they were going to start to try picking them off.Of course April and Michelle lying to cover their tracks said libra was just trying to redirect blame, and start trouble,and that never happened. April indignate that keesha would beleive that or would even consider it.she says if that happened I should get an Academy Award. Keesha seemed like she bought it. Who knows maybe she thinks that libra was just causing trouble stirring the pot? If she only knew, her new closeness with April would evaporate quickly.

They haven't seemed to put two and two together, and figured out April and Ollie tried to pull a coup with Dan, and vote Memphis out instead of Jesse.

Who knows with these people?

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Good points, Dizzypoo. Let's see, say something nice about April...hmmm...

I like April, especially when she played that possessed kid in "The Exorcist"....(remake on Lifetime of course)

Hmmmm... will post more "nice things" when, ah, I er ah ...havethe time.

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I don't think I've ever heard another HG sing their own praises as much as April. Is this girl for real? It's bad enough we have to listen to this drivel but to have Ollie agreeing with her is more than I can handle! These two are something else. :rolleyes:

I've heard April talk down to Ollie on more than one occasion and he just sits there like a bump on a log taking it! Where's your pride, dude??

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Ollies' Priority List

Get some

Keep April happy so he will get some

Don't do anything that will cause him to get involved so he can get some

Eat so he can keep up his strength for when he gets some

Agree with April about strategy and scenarios so he can get some

Wile away the hours til he can get some

Spend a few minuets a day to try and remember WHY he's in the BB House :animated_scratchchin:

(sorry I couldn't think of how to stick in anything about his pride on the list)

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The other nite, April and Ollie having pillow talk. Discussing if their personalities would change outside the house because they will be famous celebrities. Ollie says he thinks she will change because of the red carpet treatment. She said no change for her, she already gets red carpet treatment. She has been in a movie! A BIG movie, has done tons of commercials and when she goes out clubbing, she does not wait in any line. She gets right in, so she demands red carpet treatment. OMG This woman is so full of herself. I wonder how there is any room for her Big Heart. :animated_rotfl:

Has anyone hear what BIG movie she has been in?? Probably "April Does Phoenix"

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The other nite, April and Ollie having pillow talk. Discussing if their personalities would change outside the house because they will be famous celebrities. Ollie says he thinks she will change because of the red carpet treatment. She said no change for her, she already gets red carpet treatment. She has been in a movie! A BIG movie, has done tons of commercials and when she goes out clubbing, she does not wait in any line. She gets right in, so she demands red carpet treatment. OMG This woman is so full of herself. I wonder how there is any room for her Big Heart. animated_rotfl.gif

Has anyone hear what BIG movie she has been in?? Probably "April Does Phoenix"

OMG she is delusional. Doens''t she know how it works when you come out of the house most HG have been trashed.

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Someone really should tell her that "town ho" doesn't qualify as celebrity status.

It obviously does in the circles april runs in in Phoenix,where according to her she is already a celeb. She just plans on taking the ho show NATIONAL! :animated_rotfl:

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April now telling Dan she told Ollie and Michelle if it takes money to get his vote she would. Dan is getting a lot of information from April :food-smiley-005:

April now telling Dan that Jerry has so much money ~ so much money.

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Thanks Marty! ;)

April, right now, is really trying to sell Dan on the fact that she has a big heart and Jerry is a much bigger threat in the game than she is

Thats too funny! :animated_rotfl: Its not her heart thats big!


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