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April - Week 6


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Well, if we had to have a showmance in the house it might as well have been April and Ollie. They both seem to live in an alternate universe from the rest of us so that makes them a good match. At least they can keep one another entertained there! lol

When all this is said and done I sure hopes somebody has the sense to ask Ollie if he really believes all this stuff he's telling April. At times he sounds like he has some sense then there are the times he's talking to April. :lol:

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They are hoping to bribe Dan to use POV. Hopefully he is smarter than that because it will put a large target on him.

Sidenote April thinks there is a 20 sec delay on feed for editing out nudity if that is true then way are there so many nudity shots of houseguest on the internet.

She also thinks it is creepy for stangers to be watching her but ok for family to watch.

I'm sure Ollie and April family must really love watching them having sex on on a regular basis. Especially Ollie's minister father.

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Dan won't use the POV....if he did it would be the most stupid move of BB10. April is toast!

The only "America's Choice" April can win is the "Skank of the Year Award".

jmho :pixiedust:

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Hi, Sam! What disappoints me most about the noms. I was all ready for Romeo vs. Juliet, BB style. Wanted to see April/Ollie bad mouthing each other. I do know that unless Ollie has credit problems, he won't be moving to that cave in Arizona where April hangs by the ceiling and gets her ugly rest.

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