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Thought it might be fun to start a thread to discuss different BB10 HG & Alliance Strategies, Methods and/or Techniques.

What is working, what is not.

Here's a few items to jumpstart us:

"Stir the Pot":

I think Dr. Will then Janelle were good at it and Evel Dick perfected it, but no guest since has done it well. HG's should learn how and when to stir a pot. Jesse did some of the "how" OK, but his "when" was wayyyy off. For over two weeks he created tension and chaos when he was not even the intended target. He put a bullseye on his back when it did not need to be there. But Jesse also needed to do better on the how...why would other people really care that he was losing weight or not sleeping - his idea of what constituted "respect" was warped.

QTIP - Quit Taking It Personally:

So far too many people seem to be playing with their heart and not their head. Keesha - revenge is not a great strategy. Michelle, two other seasons had to wear the unitard - yes, it is stupid but you should not be surprised. Keesha and April needed to understand that HOH only has so much power. The rest of the Houseguests needed to stop being such sheep. Did Dr. Will ever get into screaming matches? People need to keep in mind it is just a game.

Overt vs. Covert:

What ever happened to secret alliances. Why are people so bold or stupid to let everyone know who they are aligned with and whom they intend to vote out? Don't people realize when they say "I would never vote for April in the Finals" that that just makes April that much more attractive to take to F2?


I'll get it rolling: Dan needs to start talking. Taking naps when arguments begin is hurting his chances. I think he's banking on Keesha and Libra going at it. Which was working except that Michelle still wants answers from him and he's not saying a thing. All he needs to do is say he thought Memphis was better to keep because Jessie couldn't be reasoned with, only "respected" and left to do as he saw fit. Just say "I know you liked him, but he was a buffoon and deserved exactly what he got and you need to accept that." Do it in a way where he makes it seem as if he's open to working with HER, emphasizing that his concern was with Jessie, not HER. She's so desperate for a pair that she'd at least forgive and forget. I honestly think she wants to because the girls are such a pain in the ass but he's not capitalizing on that.


I don't think Dan wants to talk, maybe because he's afraid of being implicated into something down the line (with the females this is a great possibility).

I don't think he has it in him to be confrontational and though before last night I would have said he needs to step up to the plate, I think it's worthwhile to keep it low key and stay in his room (lol) for a while until he can scope out the gal situation in the house that appears to change on an hourly basis.

Michelle is right and I pointed this out yesterday that she is alone in the game now. Someone also pointed out that there was some secret alliance between her and Memphis but Memphis cannot be trusted and I think he will float back and forth from side to side for a while. I don't think he wants to burn bridges with Skreesha just yet...he knows she's got a thing for him and likes the male attention. I think it would have benefitted Michelle to team up with Libra and attempt to work on the blatant (Renny/Skreesha and April/Ollie) pairs in the house.

Jerry is definitely the "stir the pot" guy this season. Ultimate HOH ass kissing keeps him in the game each week...from week two Jerry has mastered this science. I do think that everyone thought of taking him to finals...but he may put a target on himself if he continues to win POV's.

Michelle and Skreesha take the game too personal and this will trip them up. I do think that April has had her head in the game all along (even though it looks like sex is a priority) and is thinking long term by attempting to convince HOH who to evict to save her own ass the next week.


keesha has the throw everyone under bus strategy when necessary and when caught blame her action on others mainly libra. she has the crying act down pack and will turn it on in a millisecond. she has the most allies . she befriends all guys outside of ollie . she would have him on her side too but he is taken. i think she gets away with lots of things because she is bimbo and none really think that a bimbo maybe playing them.

jerry has the team strategy or kiss ass weekly . every move he makes is for team. he really wants all girls out because of numbers game but since none of guys are giving this thought he settle with just being friends with hoh and doing what they ask so he avoids being put up. all hg see what he is doing .

dan has the throw comp and play weak strategy. he is only idiot to not see that hg arent buying it. this strategy rarely works when a male uses it. if he doesn't step up soon he is a goner.

ollie strategy is to keep blame on april

libra strategy was to figure out everything and put a stop to suballiance/gameplay detrimental to her game . but this strategy has failed because other hg like keesha have been ones stirring pot but have put blame on libra and everyone think libra is to blame because she likes to portray her intelligence and everyone thinks of libra as great mastermind because libra likes to say how smart she is 24/7

renny strategy is to cook and gossip with keesha and help protect keesha and point finger at jerry or libra and stay off radar

memphis isnt a very good player but is very lucky that keesha likes him. he likes to think of himself as a shifty player when in fact he isn't and just pure luck of keesha liking him has kept him in the game.

michelle emotions runs her gameplay very stubborn and will lose bb because of it. week 2 fail to bd libra because of stubbornness and this week failure to see that keesha is stronger player of two due to her personal issue with libra eg. veto comp etc....

april her strategy was to use ollie but the plan backfired and ollie is one using her so she has no choice but to stick with it for better or for worse.


uvp, very close to how I feel with only a few exceptions.


which hg do we differ?


Just that I don't blame Keesha for "all" of Libra's problems.


Keesha and Libra both wanted Jesse to go last week.

On BBAD, Michelle made one right-on point. Every HOH since BB10 began had Libra controlling the upcoming Block nominee as each HOH's BFF. Libra led the posse up to HOH Jerry and forced him to put up Brian and break a solemn Marine Corps oath. Libra hasn't had to win any comps she has still ruled the roost from that bed she lays on 24/7. Maybe deep down Libra actually misses her young children and needs to go to Texas now but if she leaves before the finale she will forfeit all stipdend and all prizes she won.

When Memphis wins the car at the end will any prize/stipend money be ducted from Memphis' take home pay? Will Dan's $20,000 be deducted from 1st or 2nd place winnings. Will Dan's stipend if he doesn't win any thing more cancel out his stipend?


I think it really started with Libra - when Jesse waved at her thru the kitchen window and mouthed bye bye and waved (I'm paraphrasing). Libra went crazy - she got it everyones ear to get rid of Jesse cause she, Libra, knew she was toast if Jesse stayed. IMO


I completely agree with uvp's accessments.

Joyami... agree with you too. Libra is the ringleader of Brian and Steven eviction. Keesha ringleader of Angie eviction. And both where equally responsible for Jessie.

I would also add that part of Memphis strategy is to throw comps. And, he doesn't stick his neck out for anyone, alliance member or not. He'll make a few comments here and there when he's trying to get through to someone but, never would he campaign or rally for anyone but, himself.


I most certainly don't think Keesha is to blame for it all. For a while Libra had her wrapped up around her finger.

I know I hate Libra but I can actually point out Keesha's faults. She is playing a great personality game is some aspects but will be figured out if she doesn't watch it

Libra is just a whiner and her constant arguments are gonna get her offed. Her and Michelle need to leave the emotions down a bit. I know it's a socail game but Michelle's constant disgust and Libra's constant anger and in-your-face is on par with ED but has no real strategy or rhyme/reason to it.

Renny is doing well I think. I was so annoyed with her but not so much anymore. House mom is what comes to mind for me

I do have to question, not tha I disagree, but how did Ollie use April?


how did Ollie use April?

read ollie assessment


Keesha--goes after what she wants and knows how to make it look like someone else put her up to it

Libra--goes after what she wants but doesn't have the skills to put it on someone else

April--goes after what she wants but never wants responsibility for it, is willing to kiss a** and f*** her way throught the game

Michelle--didn't have a clue as to what she wanted except Jessie's attention until this week

Memphis--wants the $$$, not willing to do a lot to get it........thinking it's the way he runs his real life

Ollie--a doormat in the game and most likely in real life

Dan--a man with a purpose........small town, sheltered life, using his one chance to "get out", would love to have the $$$ but will be OK win or lose

Jerry--grumpy old man, frustrated with the choices he's made in life, wanting to "prove himself" to himself

Renny--saved the best for last :).....loves life, followed a whim, enjoying every moment


I agree with UVP that Dan's lay low strategy, while it's gotten him this far, where he's at now while he can hope that his "side" wins again and will take out April or someone like that, he's going to need to step up and start winning this week or next, as the coy act can't get him much farther. I enjoy dan a lot, and I think he does have the ability to win some comps. I just hope that he doesn't get overconfident and realizes this

I think this season is ruled much more by cattiness and outright feuding instead of smart gameplay. I don't think there could be anyone you'd consider a "manipulator" or powerhouse competitor. With lines drawn strongly now I think it might be tough unless some smaller alliance can form and try and stay quiet. Maybe taking out Libra and April (and Jerry for good measure) will get rid of some of the bigger mouths and open up the opportunity for some more stealthy gameplay (although the flipping was pretty nice, it was also contingent on AP)


I have to disagree with the assessments regarding Memphis. I think he's playing a very smart game. He constantly watches and listens to the other hamsters. He'll sit outside and when somebody needs to blow off steam, he's a sympathetic ear. He saw his opportunity to stay in the house and get some of the people to vote out Jessie. It was a brilliant move on his part and he's not even being blamed for it! The blame keeps falling on Dan, Libra and Keesha.

When the time is right he'll start winning HOH and POV's. He's basically letting the rest of the house self-destruct and vote one another out. Even though April has it in for him I don't see her being able to act on it. I would be surprised if she won HOH again. She's so full of anger and resentment right now she can't even think straight.

All the HG like Memphis except April. I don't think anybody else in that house can say the same thing. ;)


memphis was gone week 3 and week 4

if keesha didnt save him

he is one of dumber players there

and if it wasnt for keesha he would be long gone

week 3 the plan was orginally to put up angie and memphis

week 4 again plan was to evict memphis over jessie

keesha saved him both times

he may come off as bright now to some because he realize now he has to take a backseat because now he is humble that he escape eviction twice but still dumb as rocks in my book

he was one of idiots that wanted to save libra from getting bd week 2


Ollie is using April as a deflector shield.

She is taking all the fire but he still could get burned if she goes up and wins POV.

Ollie is not exactly a floater because he has taken up sides but I think he will flip on a moments notice just like he did at the start of the game when he saw (or realized) the Brian/Male Alliance was in trouble and/or that he was 3rd or 4th dog in the pack.

I think all the guys (except for Jerry) realized that the safest position during one of the women's blow ups is in a fox hole as far away from the front line as possible.

I liked that Ollie told April that "he did not stand up for her" because "he was not going to get in the middle of a bunch of drunk people". That really is a no win. It sounded like Ollie stood his ground with April and is beginning to distance himself from the fray as much as possible.


uvp, Keesha saved him both times because HE convinced her to save him both times!

He sat outside and planted seeds in her head about the best way to handle things so he would not get evicted. HE was the one who pushed the issue of voting out Jessie. I don't think that's being dumb.

I realize we will never agree with this but had to put in my two cents, lol


memphis didnt convince her anything


I agree Moxie...Memphis did his part to get in good with her...laid out the scenario and she ran with it. Sure ...she had her motives too...but he let her know he'd be be receptive to working with her. It was a 2 way street...but I give more credit to Memphis for his still being here by his own merit..rather than attributing it to Keesha saving him.


lol at making memphis out to be such a great gamer

wasnt reason libra/keesha flip because of how bossy april was

so again where was great memphis in this

next thing you know i will hear memphis is greatest bb player


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