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Tuesday, August 5

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At the start of BBAD Dan did swear on the Bible he is voting Jesse out so I guess he already knows that America aka Grodner is going to tell him to vote Jesse out before the actual voting has taken place which I assume is after tomorrow nights show unless it was already done.

Memphis should have talked to April about them targeting each other and seen what could have done about it instead of dealing with Keesha who took Angie out breaking up his alliance. As far as I have seen he has not talked to her unless I missed it. Keesha or Libra should have been the one of the ones going this week they seem to be running the show and everyone seems to not see it and April was to busy having sex with Ollie that she screwed up being HOH this week.

I do like Renny but I'm starting to change my mind about her now that she is so tight with Keesha. Her and Jesse both should have talked and taken care of the problem they had. I do think Renny screaming late at night not knowing if she would wake anyone was rude and I would have flipped out on her if I was there but they could have talked and gotten over that.

Why do these HG not try and keep a look out for who is talking to who to try and watch their asses.

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Renny's just having "mom" withdrawal. Unconsciously she thinks Dan and Keesha are her children.

I just wonder if this is the only week there will be an AP? I don't believe BB has said anything except that Dan is AP for this week.


Memphis did try to talk to April... she just wasn't really listening. She had that uh-huh, oh I know and chit like that coming out her mouth but, it wasn't sincere and Memphis knew it.

Then while talking to Keesha he kept saying he was going to try one more time but, didn't want to do it too early as he didn't want flip-flopping.

Then the D/K/L/R voting alliance came together so, he doesn't really need to talk to April anymore. Unless something changes in the next day or two.


April is just as "intractable" about Memphis leaving as Keesha was about Angie being evicted. April is jealous that Keesha "likes" Memphis. Even though we all know Memphis ain't April's type!!!

"I miss the hg's that would try to have fun. Make up silly games, laugh with each other over stuff that WASN'T trashing someone else, say funny stuff in the DR. <sigh>"

ok seriously please don't delete this...this isn't an attack at all.

I really thought the puppet show and living room show was great



Yes, ILD, I miss it too. Renny is fun so I'm glad she stayed but wish Brian, Steve and Angie were still here too!

Memphis did try to talk to April... she just wasn't really listening. She had that uh-huh, oh I know and chit like that coming out her mouth but, it wasn't sincere and Memphis knew it.

Thanks CeCiMom I did not see that he did try and talk to April.

Renny is fun so I'm glad she stayed but wish Brian, Steve and Angie were still here too!

I do think Renny is funny and agree at least with Brian, Angie and Steven they would have given us some good entertainment.

I wonder if Keesha, Libra, Dan, Renny and Memphis can win comps against April and Michelle not sure if Ollie can win either unless they are all holding back and throwing them because April fights hard in comps and Michelle is close possibly next to win. The others don't seem to do well at comps at this point of the game.


Right b4 they went to bed, April told Ollie she's going to have her "meeting" today, to make sure everyone is in line.............hopefully it will make things more interesting than this boring day.

I don't know if I heard it right but I think Keesha said Jerry's only on slop 'till Sat.

K<L<D<R & Memphis better be prepared to win some comps!


this week if all goes well will really end this herd voting

and finally start the game

this week if all goes well will really end this herd voting

Thank goodness! I don't know why they all went along with this "we must all vote together" nonsense.


I can't wait for Thursday if all goes by the plan.

If the girls back out I will be so letdown.


they are in too deep to backout now


I really don't think Michelle will side with April, HOllie, Jerry. April can't play for HoH, HOllie has not stepped up in any HoH comp. and Jerry hasn't won anything that wasn't given to him.

She'll be like Ryan was last year. Whichever side wins the HoH... Michelle will join. Besides, it was April that swore she wouldn't put Jessie up and/or she'd keep him safe... it's an easy way to put all blame there and stick with the new HoH group.


it all depends on who wins hoh

if they win hoh she will no doubt side with them


I can't say for sure, but I don't think Dan expects a different AC vote for who needs to vote out... He is going on the assumption that his orders were to eviction Jesse when in fact his orders were to get Jesse nominated. If Jesse is not AC for eviction...poor Dan.


I think Dan understands the difference...and most likely was told the type of tasks he'd be expected to complete prior to agreeing...they just wouldn't have shown his convos with the DR on tv. He's told each side he is voting their way...now he is just waiting until midnight for the verdict...


I am going on the fact that he swore on the Bible. Doesn't seem in his character to do that unless he was sure he was voting out Jesse. And he could only be sure if he was unaware that there is yet another AC for eviction. Dan is not James.


UGH! Someone please save me from these people. Is it just me? Are they just so boring today? -_-

I agree too, I think Dan is assuming that AC was to nominate Jessie so AC will be to evict him. Poor Dan if he's wrong.

ok seriously please don't delete this...this isn't an attack at all.

I really thought the puppet show and living room show was great


The first puppet show was fun, the one after was just them trying to copy the first and wasn't that funny. And if Brian, Steven and Angie had remained in the house, they might have been fun to watch but they didn't get the chance. Renny and Dan have their fun sides but the rest, about as fun as limp dishrags.


The boring days are bound to happen in between the major tasks. Might be some excitement IF April holds the meeting tonight. I'm going to be impressed if they all stay quiet so they can shock her on Thursday.


They should give them some arts and crafts.


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