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Sunday, August 3rd


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Does anyone know what the latest is in the house regarding Jessie and Memphis evictions...

I know that it seems like Ollie and April are going to be working with Jessie and Michelle.

I'm curious if Libra, Keesha and Renny are still set on getting rid of Jessie or if they are back on board with being sheep and following April. They were so set on going against April the night before last...and I wasn't able to watch a lot of feeds yesterday to see if anything had been resolved or not. Last I heard...Jerry said he'd do what April wants ...with pov and voting...but I doubt April will have him use pov to save Jessie...that'd be foolish on her part. Dan...I know he has to wait and see what AP decision is...

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idk with these hg

they say they want a particular hg out but still vote way hoh wants in the end

so i am gonna say they vote way april wants in the end

because god for say ollie wins hoh they are in big trouble

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I hope they go against the house this week. They are all in big trouble if Jessie's stays as well.

A double eviction would suit me fine.LOL

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I know April's father and sister are SO PROUD! Hahaha...April said he slept like a baby, I wonder why. Pillows helped him, my ass...no wait April's not mine! OMG!!!!!

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Keesha and Renny whispering about a new alliance. They need to get April out. They want to get Dan and I think Memphis. It is really hard to understand the whispering. Renny says they have to break up April and Ollie.

They keep talking about if Jessie gets HOH next week. (so is he staying?)

Renny says if she is getting HOH that April and Libra are going up.

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renny says that april needs to go

and if she wins hoh april is going up

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I have a lot of respect for old people and really enjoy being in their company. I would not enjoy being in Jerry's company if I saw him talk and act the way he does on the show. He reminds me of a mean crotchety older man. I am very uncomfortable when he uses the F word and calls the girls bitch and flips them off. He has a lot of family at home and I just think he should be representing old people in a better manner. I don't give him a pass just because he is old.

Agreed. Imo, Jerry's FU attitude when one of them upset him comes from his strong marine past. Marines are always marines and sometimes the "I'm the toughest mf'er in the valley" persona sticks with them far too long. Old marines are still old men, but many tend to forget that.

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IMO I think April should get Memphis out. With the way things are going if Memphis stays Keesha would have Memphis, Renny, and Libra on her side and I'm sure Jerry and Dan would go with them to avoid eviction leaving Michelle, Ollie and April to be more likely out the door next since Keesha said she can't stand April. I can't stand April or Keesha but the way Keesha is throwing herself at Memphis while having a live in BF is disgusting. April would be smart to pull off Jesse if Jerry goes for it and put up Libra to even things up a little.

Agree will you all Jerry playing the good Grandpa would have made them really like him I think he is creepy.

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Someone please tell me why Renny and Keesha are trying to work with Michelle and Jesse, and not Dan And Jerry? why keep them around when you can get Jesse out and only have 2 left to deal with? I dont get it, either this chit is rigged or they are really really stupid.

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or they are really really stupid

you had to ask? :rolleyes:

well...at least we know Keesha is stupid...even though she tries to convince us she's not by saying repeatedly "I'm not stuuuupid!" ;)

really though...idk...I can't understand why Keesha would want to get in good with Michelle and Jessie unless it's because they've decided to do as April says and vote out Memphis...which makes no sense to me.

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The smart thing to do would to be at least stick to the plan and get one of the other sides opponents out. I dislike Memphis as much as Jesse, Memphis is about as usefull as Ollie. Sad that these women would rather go against one another then join forces, too many insecurities there.

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Someone please tell me why Renny and Keesha are trying to work with Michelle and Jesse, and not Dan And Jerry?

If I had a choice of siding with Jerry or Dan (weak) and Jessie and Michelle (thought I think Michelle is stronger in comps than Jessie) I would take Jessie and Michelle over the other two.

Also, who is Jessie most likely to go after...Renny his old nemesis and Skreesha his new enemy. So, it might be safer to start an alliance with them then fight them.

Plus, the others wouldn't suspect an alliance of these four.

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The last thing I want is for these girls to stick together! yucko

Anyone that can break up the hags and Ollie and April sex show I want to stay in the house.

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What is the difference wuith Jerry using the f word and the rest of them using it?? I do not agree with him calling the girls bitches and flipping just them off( I never heard that), but hey if ya want to flip off some one what does age have to do with it.?? I do not agree that the standard should be any different for Jerry than it is for anyone , Just because Jerry is older does not mean he has to act like a certain way, notice I said OLDER, not OLD. The whole Age thing is a state of mind, I think you are as old as you feel, and if I want to call someone out, I would and I would not hold back because I have a certain standard to uphold that I should be like a granddad or something, Jerry is Human, not just a SENIOR CITIZEN, sorry but the only thing that makes me uncomfortable about him is that they all look down on him because he is older and they think because of that he is lame, there is alot wrong with this country the way an older person is perceived, the minute I turned 40,(even tho I looked a lot younger) the men quit really talkin to me, it makes me sick some of the ways I even have been treated as I age, it is ridiculous, and a very sore point with me, Jerry has his quirks, but I do not think he is weird, or a "Dirty Old Man (cause he touched Aprils boobs), or that he should follow any standard that anyone else is not expected to follow!!! Life plays a rotten dirty trick on us when we age, your body and the way you look changes, but in your heart you still want to play and maybe you feel like you did when you were 30, it is a very cruel trick that life plays, just sayin!!!

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I understand everything you said and agree with alot (see my previous posts).

What I want to say is many expect him to act like their grandparents and parents, but when you think of it would your grandparents and parents apply to the BB show. I don't think so, I know mine wouldn't. So my point is he's not the "normal" "average" 75 year old and not sure why we expect him to act that way.

But, I will stick with my original observation...the hgs want him to be the "avg and normal" 75 y/o and if he acted like one (perceived as their parents/grandparents are) they probably would have liked him more.

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I totally get what you are sayin Ginger, all of a sudden I was just hearin, wow, jerry needs to tone it down, etc, unfortunately I do not have the feeds, but I will say this last night after watchin the After Dark, i was like so over Jesse, anyone who begs and peads the way he does is not right, he is a wimp,lol And no my Grandparents would not have gone on this show, lol They departed in the 70's no such thing as reality TV, and their favorite show was Lawrence Welk,lolol that is who I guess they want ol Jerr to be, but that is not who he is.

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Skreesha telling Memphis that there is mutual dislikeness between her and April.

April sees how close Memphis is with Skreesha and this can only benefit Skreesha..per Skreesha.

Memphis is going to start working on Libra he says.

Skreesha thinks Memphis' only other vote could be Libra (to make 4). Didn't Libra want Jessie out anyway?

I think what Skreesha is leading up to but doesn't want to say is that April is jealous of Skreesha because Memphis is hanging out with her.

About Libra, Ollie says when you talk so much you don't know what you say anymore (this stated by Memphis now). Meaning Libra says things then says she doesn't say them ---it's called lieing.

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