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April - Week 4


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First off, April looked fanfriggentastic up there last night! Holy crap, she didn't even flinch and looked hott the entire time!

As for her "deal" with Michelle, I can see it being a tactic to encourage Michelle to fall. She could see Michelle was close to dropping, she just needed that extra push. I believe making her feel safe this week was that push. idk... maybe it wasn't, but I can see someone doing that to win.

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Oh yeah going after her core alliance would be a dumb move right now. The time to go after Libra passed last week when everyone wanted her out of the house. Now you're stuck with Libra for awhile.

I think her best bet is to put up Jerry and one of JMM and just explain to them that her real target is Jerry and she needed a pawn.

We all know what happens to pawns in BB but as far as PoV goes I think Jerry has as much chance of winning a PoV as I do of becoming Miss America.

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Now lets say she puts up Jerry and tries to get him out. Now she has 0 people out of 9 after her since her alliance would understand about Jerry (they want him out too) and Memphis, Michelle and Jessie would LOVE her.

They may "love" her, but Jessie, Memphis and Michelle would go after April just as hard, next week. Getting Jerry out of the house isn't going make her any less of a target. Get rid of one, the other two are still after April.

I can't say for Memphis, but Jessie is such an egomaniac that no matter how many times April told him he wasn't her target and that he is perfectly safe, he will ALWAYS think he is the target (see last week).

So April should nominate two floaters (Jerry and Dan)? Why? I didn't think either was going after April. But nominating them, April makes an enemy out of the remaining nominee and she still has to deal with Memphis, Jessie and Michelle.

Why is the world would April pull a Howie and nominate someone from her original alliance (Libra, Keesha or Ollie)? The majority of the people voting are the ones who were begging Jessie and Keesha to nominate Libra. Why give them the opportunity to evict your alliance? That would really be stupid.

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I am just saying if April is playing for April she would not want people in the jury that will not vote for her. If she puts up the outsiders she has 2 votes against her in the jury.

If she puts up Jerry she will not have those 2 votes against her in the jury. That is if April is playing for April. She already has made piece with Michelle and Jessie and she is not their target.

But of course why use common sense.

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IMO-April's looking down the line..........she knows Memphis will never be a vote for her if he's on the jury but Jerry, who drools all over her will be a for sure vote if his going isn't on her hands.

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Why would they put April up next week if she sends Jerry packing? That defies all logic.

It would be Keesha and Libra (or Renny if Jessie won).

No way would any of the three put up April except MAYBE...and that's a big maybe, Memphis, but I doubt Michelle/Jessie would let him if he won. Memphis needs those two more than they need him since he's only 1 and they're 2.

They should be making a deal with April and Ollie right now not to go after them...all three of them. Then April is set.

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Last night April and Ollie made a deal with Michelle and Jessie not to put each other up.

soooooooo I guess April decided to not honor her deal with Michelle during the comp and the one they talked about after the comp.

I don't get it.

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Last night she went back and forth on whether to keep the deal..saying her sisiter would understand if she doesn't keep it even though she promised on "boston's life" I expect lying in BB but promising on another's life with no intention of keeping her word makes her a big piece of sh*t!!! April makes Keesha look like Mother Thersa......April's vile imo....

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...but it's a bad move, King.

I know you love Keesha but Keesha isn't April's responsibility.

April's best bet is to not piss anyone on the other side off. She pisses no one off by getting rid of Jerry. She should let the NEXT HoH deal with Memphis, Jessie and Michelle. Then that NEXT HoH will be the bad guy and April's hands are clean.

Whoever gets rid of Jerry, their hands are clean. That's simple logic. Keesha could have done it last week and not become a target but because she's a jealous, petty snoot she put up Angie.

Now it's April's turn to make the smart move. You don't make big power moves until there are less players because making power moves puts a target on your back.

Do the right thing April Do the SMART thing. Get rid of Jerry. Then your hands are clean and the target stays off your back and sticks firmly to Libra and Keesha (as well as, obviously, JMM).

On top of all that, eventually one of JMM needs to win, don't they? I mean...really.

So lets say April gets rid of JMM and one of the other two wins HoH next week. It's gotta happen eventually...even if the DR needs to manipulate. So guess who gets nominated next week. Yep, April.

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exactly XAL I just don't see why people don't understand that if April was smart she would be playing for herself. Right now she has safety from Michelle and Ollie but.....

whatever she is stupid.

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I still say that a secret deal between April, Ollie, Michelle & Jessie could go far. They could remain in their own "groups" but make sure that the 4 of them are not the targets & pick all the others off. Smart all around, but then again these people are not smart.


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Just last week, April and Libra agreed that if they were asked to make a deal during a long HOH endurance that they'd take it and go back on their word. But what shocks me is that April swore on her family and is still willing to do it. I was hugely impressed with her win and attitude afterwards and now I'm disappointed

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the stage of not pissing folks off is over

the reason jessie and crew and others are in the situation they are now is week 2 they didnt want to piss some off by bd libra

if you play bb to make friends you'll get eaten up

just my opinion

disagree i dont care :lol:

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I still say that a secret deal between April, Ollie, Michelle & Jessie could go far

I agree. When the others put aside the petty crap and come to their senses, they will realize that Michelle and April are the biggest threats in endurance comps. So it would be better if they banded together and attempt to get all the others out.

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bb recruits always win

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April is so stupid. She says she doesn't have anything against Memphis but she CONSTANTLY brings up the fact that he won the car. Jealousy is a mo'fo.

yep she is only hg that does it

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