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Monday, July 28th

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I hope Memphis stays far away from her. I hope the only guy that goes near Keesha is Jerry.

Keesha having a boyfriend at home must not mean anything to her she still wants all the attention from the guys, I guess that's why she cheated on her boyfriend more than once.

She even showed jealously towards April when she kept calling her a Barbie bitch saying she hates girls like that. Keesha must have had guys taken from her by other girls to act the way she does. At 30 you think this high school shit would be over with.

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Libra, Renny and Keesha in the HOH room. Libra keeps throwing crap out about Jessie and what a jerk he is. She is trying to get some Jessie hate going but Keesha just listens and moves on.

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Keesha made a comment today "when Angie goes, Memphis is going to want to hang out with me"..........maybe that's what she really wants.

IDK if she wants Memphis for showmance purposes or just sees him as a strong player and would like to be able to work with him... I'd hope that people coudl be adult enough to not take people out over petty jealousy and such BS.

Although, given much of Keesha's behavior, I guess petty motivations aren't really beyond her

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