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Saturday, July 26th


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Marty - I think that by the end of the week, Jesse will have cut his own throat if he doesn't shut up. Keesha just might be overruled if Jesse keeps at everyone.

He reminds me of my ex husband! Thinks he's better than everyone else and thinks HE is the one to tell everyone how to act and think.

Ginger - That's true, but damn the guy is relentless today! Does he think being a blow-hard pest to the whole house will keep him in the game? Not if I ruled the world.

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I'm not defending him, but he is playing the game no differently than the others. I imagine that Libra who has been controlling from the very beginning would be doing the same. There are few in the house who would give it a try and then drop it. Dan, Renny and Angie come to mind.

I agree, Mrs. Froman earlier I said he is relentless, but I think he's trying to touch a nerve with Skreesha. The only good thing I can say is that he's fighting to have Libra nom'd which saves himself and Angie. Is Angie trying at all...I haven't seen it.

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I would love to see him go, but if Schreesha got crazy and took him down and put up Libra and Libra went that would make my day for sure,lol

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Everyone hates Libra and will not put her up. Jessie is the biggest pain in the ass and they won't vote him out.

but......... gotta get that darn Angie out.

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Nice to see Keesha and Libra walk away from him when he started in again for the bazillionth time. :)

Gotta go eat....have a good night, everyone!!

Bye Marty! :animated_wave:

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The JAMM alliance were the only ones who saw the banner. According to Keesha and Libra, the 4 Outsiders had a quick group conversation in the kitchen - seen on the spycam - before they came upstairs with the news about the banner. None of the 7 are going to believe them about what it said because of that. They think the outsiders made it all up.

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I can't believe that a banner plane did nothing, NOTHING

I think the only reason it's had no effect is because Memphis, Michelle & either Angie or Jesse are the only ones to claim they saw what it said.

Keesha said that Michelle said the banner read "Keesha, be careful, Libra lies" (or something like that), but Memphis told Keesha that her name wasn't on it and Michelle just added that. Keesha won't believe them no matter what.

Love is blind, I guess.

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Jerry: "At least I am taking some of the attention for Skreesha" You're not that important Jerry.

Libra: "They're scared of me, someone told them Rice University is a very good school and if they know right there that makes me a target."

Earlier she compared her self to a side of cow: "They're like wolves on one piece of steak."

The Rice girl is quite entertaining.

Libra: "I'll be so pissed if they talk about my husband" Did she forget about the clause she talked about earlier.

I can't listen to it no more and I am sure once I shut down the feeds, I'll miss all the good stuff. Never fails.

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Yep, I mentioned that earlier about "personal comments' She has double standards

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