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Ollie - Week 3


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Age: 27

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN via Des Moines, IA

Occupation: Marketing Sales Representative

Marital Status: Single


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safe because keesha is afraid of libra

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If so, I hope he gets to vote out April along the way. That's good for a laugh.

LOL Kinda like Drew kicked Diane to the curb in season 5. Would LOVE to see that happen.

Libra, April, Ollie, and Michelle final 4 would definitely make me vom. Seeing as how my least favorite hg's make it to the end every season, this is probably what will happen. :glare:

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that would be insuferable. And I completely agree OBZ, seeing as how i don't like any of them it's extremely likely.

Imagine if you swap Michelle for Jessie.... Ollie and April never getting out of bed. Libra needing someone to rant to and boss around, and Jessie just staring in the mirror flexing and looking for someone to spot him in the BY

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As I said before, Ollie must have led a sheltered life. His preacher parents probably guarded him from all of the evils of sex without condoms. Preacher parents must have thought if we don't discuss it, then he won't do it. But how wrong they were. Ollie's so happy to be getting it on that he's neglected to put it on.

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Ollie needs to learn to last longer than 5 minutes.

April should consider herself lucky...that's 4 1/2 minutes longer than Ryan lasted with Jen in the bathroom...;)

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In all fairness, because I have been saying that Angie isn't playing the game, neither is HOllie. This pathetic asswipe is their for a piece of April and nothing else. He should be the next to go.

The only thing I can credit him for is the way he stuck up for the "old people" last night when Skreesha was talking down Jerry and the others, Renny.

Eh, forget I called him an asswipe.

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