Marty Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 Angie NOW Go get in Keesha's ear and tell her how dissapointed Steven will be in her when she sees that it was her (Keesha) that put you up and got you evicted. I mean if Keesha really did care about Steven she would not be evicting Angie. Steven's last advise to Keesha before he left was to break ups Libra, April and Ollie. I mean if you really cared about Steven Keesha you would do what he asked.
lvgal Posted July 24, 2008 Posted July 24, 2008 I agree that Angie is probably the nicer person out of the girls in the house but how can you play the game when you think you're so "above" playing the game (?) She went out on a limb for Brian, out of "friendship"! after a few days..........and she keeps saying how she's not going to do anything against anyone she's an admirable quality, but it's not going to win BB. I think she's more suited for the Bachelor.
chopped_liva Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 I could not imagine Angie with 24 or however many other girls in one house and only 1 male. We'd find her in the corner of the closet. Wonder if this nomination is going to wake her up for the GAME. (if she is nominated that is)
OmegaBetaZeta Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 She better win POV or she's a goner. Plus I'd love to see Jessie go this week. If she sticks around she may have a chance at the endurance comp. next week. And then FINALLY breaking up the Nerd Herd alliance.
GingerSnaps Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 If she wins POV this week it will be the most exciting thing to happen in this house so far. Unfortunately, it may be Jerry, Dan or Renny who gets put up. It's still a numbers game and Skreesha still has Libra buzzing in her ear.
joyami Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Keesha's latest thinking is to put Michelle up as a replacement should that happen...
GingerSnaps Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Oh, okay. I don't know what to make of Skreesha. I am surprised she has decided to nom Jessie, but like everything else in this game, I will believe it when I see it.
Francis_3 Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 If the noms are Angie and Jessie come eviction day, I think Angie stands a pretty good chance of staying. From what I can tell, although Ollie, Libra, Michelle and April will vote out Angie; Renny, Dan, Memphis and Jerry will evict Jessie. That leaves a tie and I think Keesha would vote out Jessie. Just speculating...
Cajunboiler Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 I really have no opinion of Angie yet, but I still like her. She really hasn't done anything in the house yet that makes me want to root for her. However, I want her to win POV becasue I want to see either Jessie, Memphis, or Michelle leave.
Cwazy4BB Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 All I know is that I'm ready for someone to have the ba**s to rock this house and make some bold moves BB8 style. Now that season was awesome, you never knew what was going to happen next. This season is getting boring, we always know who's going and that's no fun, I like suspense.
Marty Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Angie has a new girlfriend named Michelle. They are doing laps together outside. Each time the do a lap like 47 they say some swear words about the Nerd Herd. It is so funny. I know you guys don't see it but Angie with the puppet shows and the tin foil amour and some jokes she cracks me up.
joyami Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 My favorite thing that Angie does is when she is the talk show host. Too damn funny.
Cajunboiler Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 I liked her as Julie, lol. "With the only votes in that matter... by a vote of 3 to 0,.. Brian, you are evicted."
Marty Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 She had been running every night and keeping in shape. I notice that Libra and gang just lay around like slugs. I hope the POV ceremony takes some physical ability. Here that Big Brother?
LenRay Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 I like Angie too. I also liked Brian and Steve. Angie needs to win HOH. If it remains Jesse and Angie then Jesse will be the target. I read on feeds Angie told Memphis, "I guess I should have gone up before noms.." Hate to say this but, it might have helped her state her case. She will need to campaign.
Marty Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 So Angie said something earlier about having a few beers and making sure she is voted out. She told Michelle and Jessie they went out on a limb for her and they deserve to stay.
SugarB Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Okay, that seals it, the girl is just friggin' weird.
LenRay Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 So who is this girl anyway? St. Angie of Arc? Funny, she doesn't looks French!!!
LenRay Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 Her heart hasn't been in this game since day one. Angie's a loner, not a joiner! I dig her, but bye-bye...but hope Jesse goes first.
DOOD Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 I know people say this all the time & I'm going to be one. I really don't like most of the cast, & if Angie goes I'll stop watching the rest of this season. Unlike previous seasons usually the most annoying people are sent out first, but this season is the opposite. All of the most interesting people are being gunned for 1 after the other. I can't stand watching Libra, April & Keesha's constant idiotic thoughts repeated over & over to us as entertainment. It's torture I don't think I'll be able to bare for 2 & a half months. I'm still recovering from SheBot's constant whining.
Yana Posted July 25, 2008 Posted July 25, 2008 All of the most interesting people are being gunned for 1 after the other. Agreed 100%...
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