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Big Brother 11 (usa Vs Uk Vs Au???? Housecalls Host Massey Keeps Saying That It May Be Comming

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& I also read in a forum that CBS is considering a BB International in Feb 2009 if Ratings are high for BB10, but would u want BB11 that way, and who's rules? diffent hosts? like how would it go down


Could be interesting but wouldn't make sense to me.


if CBS does it i think shold be like ppl from past seasons, otherwise i think CBS would be doing just as a "Publicty Stunt"


willnt be bb if they do it

i knew the spring edition wasnt a one time thing


I think it could be fun for a change....and if Gretchen is talking about it...sounds like it's in the works.

I don't think the hgs would necessarily separate up by countries...but I bet the fans would. There'd be some lively discussions on message boards if all 3 countries participated in them. I've gone on message boards that Aussies and Brits post in (along with many other countries)...some of those people have very strong personalities and off the wall senses of humor. Mix that with a lot of crazy Americians ...whoa! ;)


If they do it, they should use winners .... take 4 from each country. Mix the rules up....use some of their rules and some of ours. I heard some of other countries make them do chores to earn things, they have different comps...but absolutely no porn behavor or fowl language allowed...tell them they will deduct a certain amount of monies for every really fowl word used!


I've seen pictures and a few vids from some of the other countries BB's...they are a lot more sexually active and there is a lot more nudity than the US version. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing...lol...no really...I prefer a PG-13 version to be honest...with an occasional R thrown in for spice. I saw one vid a while ago from another country...not sure where or when...but it was borderline X and I was a bit shocked. Nat/Matt and April/Ollie scenes are tame compared to them.

So yes...I'd say they'd need to keep the sexual content limited...but it is really difficult to control...and there are some that would expect to see it. idk now.


Something about this just doesn't sound right to me... I mean maybe the UK, but Aussie BB has just gotten cut... This is the last season for them, so I don't think they would show it over there, so why send in any player?

Just fishy to me...


Maybe they should have the international BB somewhere neutral...say Aruba!!! That way they could look of Natalie Holloway!!! Or have HGs evicted while out at that bar where Nat went missing!!!



Right. Let's let beanheads like Libra, Natalie, Marcellas, Josh, etc, etc, represent us in an International BB.


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