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Your message to a HG...

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If you could step in for two minutes and tell an HG of your choice a message of a few sentences and they didn't have time to argue you...who would it be and what would you say?

Jessie -

I Am serious man. You seem like you could be a decent guy. Drop the ego you loser. The girls are just patronizing you


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Libra, you are the most ridiculous person in the BB house, who the hell do you think you are?? Shut the F up and quit whining about every little thing, and eat your damn slop like a woman, hello!!!!

Jess eif you flex for the cameras one more time, I am gonna give your tiny little balls a hard pull, ssttooppp it!!!!!!!

And Angie, please do us a favor and try to smile a little and make it seem that you are in fact happy you came to the BB house to try and win 500 g's, come onenow, life is not as bad as it seems, and also could you spend a little time somewhere, anywhere but the backyard couch??

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you losers do know only one hg will win

so all this team sports bs is quite funny

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Women want more than a bag of rocks to hold in the night. You've spent enough time developing your body, though I'm not sure if you have to impress us or yourself (probably yourself since you're the center of your own universe). Either way, I think it's time you focused on your mind and heart for a change. It would do you and all of us a lot of good.

Grow a brain eh!

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I'd address April: April you're one dumb-assed girl!!! If you're going to let someone you've known for only a few days boink you....make him wear a freckin condom! And not on the pill??? Make him wear two condoms!!!! I hope you're Dad gives you a swift kick in the a$$ when you get home. STUUUUPIIID!


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