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Each year I have a really hard time keeping up with all of the alliances. They switch back and forth, change, form and break up sometimes all before I've even had a chance to read the updates. I'm not lucky enough to have the live feeds (can you believe my boss won't let me get them at work?! GAH! SOME people..lol) so I depend alot on the awesome updaters here. Anyway, if there isn't already one for it I thought we could use this thread to keep up with the alliances as they change, form, break-up, become sub-alliances, etc...

So far (please correct me if I'm wrong)

Jessie, Memphis, Angie, Michelle

Michelle, Jessie, Memphis

Libra, Ollie, April






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this year alliances are hard to keep up with since after brian left multiple hg have continue where he left off and have multiple side deals

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It seems that if veto isn't used, most want Dan out but are going to vote to evict Steven. I don't get it.

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Dan may be a much better player than Steven in comps, meaning he could wind up being HOH. Steven was the only HG who felt sorry for Libra when she lost control of her emotions and took the time to help calm her down. Dan, like most of the others, avoided Libra like the plague. When Libra votes Steven out over Dan she will be cutting off her nose to spite her face.

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I kinda like that the alliances are spread out right now because it makes it interesting. And every HOH/POV can be intereseting depending on who wins and who doesn't.

Right now my personal favorite is Angie, I hope she makes it far :].

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Everyone is watching out for themself at this point. The only alliance I see right now is between Michelle, Jessie and Angie.

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Steven kinda has an alliance with Keesha, right? It seems like they are "friends" but Keesha doesn't want to do anything to put a target on her back regarding Steven and voting for/against him??

Jerry jokes about the Jerry's Angels thing (or maybe this is long ago)...but not sure who the 3 girls would be? probably one would be Angie.

Renny doesn't seem to have any alliance as far as I can see.

And Dan...??

This year is tough since the people they hang out with in the house are not necessarily considered "alliances" but more like friends?? I guess when there are less hg's it'll be easier to tell whose with who.

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Dan and Michelle shook hands in the HoH after Jessie left them alone. Semi keep me safe alliance?

Jessie and Michelle seem to be close.

Ollie and April are a bonking alliance.

We have Keesha, April, Ollie and Libra in a four way

Michelle, Angie, Jessie and Memphis another 4.

Jessie, Memphis and Michelle alliance and discuss things without Angie.

Then you have the 7 (Keesha, April, Libra, Ollie, Michelle, Memphis and Jessie) in an alliance consisting of who to get out and when but with no real trust.

Jerry?? I think he thinks he has an alliance.

Renny?? She is in an alliance with her hats...

Steven and Keesha are friends but she pretty much said she was going to vote him out.

Steven and Angie are more friends.

Did I leave anyone off? It's hard to keep these people straight. :inquisitive:

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Exactly, also running out of potential team members will be Angie, Michelle, Jerry, Renny...And Angie has said she will vote with the Libra-holics!!! She's really next on the list with of course Dan!

Also the longer they wait to put Libra out, she will at least make it to Sequester House...I would much rather be in sequester with anybody but Libra!

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bb isnt a team sport

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Hello all, this is my first post of this season I follow the updates & I'm watching after dark. I can't seem to get into these people yet to get the feeds and watch like I did last season.

I'm not sure who's with who, if it's by choice or fear some fear Libra and won't go against her. I don't think they know this game or watched it. It seem like strangers rented a house together and are interested playing other games than BB and talking about their life.

They play by keeping their word regardless of becoming a target I thought they wanted to win the money maybe they just wanted to be on TV. They keep strong players over weaker ones. Libra's more of a threat than Steven or Dan, back dooring her would have been perfect this week. I'd keep Renny, Jerry, and Steven around even though I'm not crazy about Renny and Jerry and Steven is good entertainment.

I'm not sure what alliance is real or if they even know what one really is.

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not a bad list

poor jerry and renny solo

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