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Thursday, July 17th


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I know what you mean Ilovedanielle. I have been on this board for years and have never posted in the feeds and now I am trying to help at night cover BBAD and I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope it's right. I am open for any advice. Hecklers will be killed however....lol


I heard Memphis and Jessie have a quick/quiet chat about an hour ago or so. Jessie, Memphis, Angie and someone else have an alliance within the larger group that was against Brian. However, Jessie is a little miffed that Angie has not come up to him since he's won the HoH. He told Memphis if she does, then everything will be fine. Also, I think the two of them think it should be Steven and Renny on the block and they want Steven gone.

That was my understanding of the convo. anyways... but, it was hard to hear everything and so, I'm not 100% sure.


When I was covering this morning Jerry was practically about to fall off his bed

and yes he is dirty but worse yet, he is the type that thinks he can do what he wants and order the house around. hey Jerry, Marines are over for ya bud. I appreciate your service but let it go...when I go home from the AF I don't tell my wife what to do...on the contrary...she tells me



Pretty sure the 4th is either Keesha or Michelle. Or maybe it's Jessie, Memphis, Keesha and Michelle but, they want to protect (use) Angie for a while longer.


They were talking about past HGs who still keep in touch.. Eric and Jessica came up.. He couldn't remember Jessica's name but he could remember the she was "built". LOL


Anyone notice how Dan is so impatient for that cake to bake? Does he know you have to wait for it to cool before you cut it?


See how fast the game changes?! another alliance! but I can deal with this one as long as Angie and Keesha are safe... I love Steven, but if he has to go to keep Angie... So be it... :(

you also have to let it cool before you put the icing on or it will melt! Thank you home ec!


I would if I was home...but no can do from here

I was hoping to see Jessie leave this week...oh well

I am guessing Jerry, Renny, and Steven...between those three



well, Stephen V is updating now :) it seems that Steven and Dan are going up and Angie will go up in one of their places if the veto is used. Jessie wants to put Angie up with Dan or Steven. Jessie also wants Renny out of the house!


I guess because he was talking about poop? I never got the full reason why he was dirty either.

I guess Jessie won't put up Renny because he is just listening and following April/Libra/Michelle... After Jessie said he wanted Renny out Michelle said "well we can get her next..."

but if a 20 year old guy was talking about that he wouldnt be called "dirty" but since jerry's old he is.

20 y.o. guys don't have great grandchildren. LOL it's just creepy.. cut it out old man.


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